
cbElasticsearch 2.3.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  May 05, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of cbElasticsearch version 2.3.0. cbElasticsearch is the Elasticsearch module for the Coldbox platform, and provides a fluent CFML API for interacting with, searching, and serializing to Elasticsearch servers.

This release includes documentation updates and and enhancements to core functions of the Document, SearchBuilder and IndexBuilder components, as well as additional error handling for async tasks.

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CommandBox 5.5.1 Released!

Brad Wood |  May 05, 2022

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of CommandBox 5.5.1, the latest version of our CFFML package manager, REPL, and CLI tool.  This release has been 6 months in the making and closed 66 tickets.

As usual, the docs have all been updated to include the latest goodness.   You can read them here:

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CommandBox Docker v3.5.0 Images Released

Jon Clausen |  May 03, 2022

CommandBox 3.5.0 Docker images released

Today we are pleased to announce the release of version 3.5.0 of our CommandBox Docker images, which contains upgrades to the underlying CommandBox engine.

Most significantly, this release upgrades the CommandBox binary to 5.5.1, which uses Lucee 5.3.9 as the underlying CFML engine. In addition, this release changes the underlying base image over to use the eclipse-temurin image builds.

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ColdBox Elixir v4 Released

Eric Peterson |  May 02, 2022

Hot off the presses, ColdBox Elixir v4 is now available on NPM. Please check out the Migration Guide for help upgrading.

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Why is Code Reuse Important?

Gavin Pickin |  May 02, 2022

I know we all reuse code and some types of reuse are better than the others (I'm looking at you COPY AND PASTE / man in the mirror), but copy-paste is only a symptom of a larger issue, that WET code is not as easy to maintain as DRY code.

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New Dates for Into the Box 2022 and Why we changed them

Gavin Pickin |  April 27, 2022

Ortus Solutions is happy to announce we have new finalized dates for Into the Box 2022 and the venue. Into the Box 2022 will be hosted in Houston Texas, Tuesday September 6th through Thursday September 8th, 2022. The conference will be at a new venue, the Houston CityPlace Marriott at Springwoods Village.

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Call For Speakers Open for Into The Box 2022

Luis Majano |  March 24, 2022

We are very excited that the Into The Box conference is coming back to the Houston area in September of 2022. Registration is now officially open and call for papers is now open as well.

  • Full 2-day conference with over 30 different technology topics
  • An additional full day of hands-on training available for a veritable 3 days of awesomeness
  • A warm and sunny city of The Woodlands, Texas
  • When: First Weeks of September 2022
  • Modernize Your Skillz
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Migrating From ColdSpring to WireBox

Luis Majano |  March 24, 2022

ColdSpring was the first dependency injection framework for ColdFusion in the good 'ol days. It was inspired by Java Spring and it rocked during its tenure. As a matter of fact, there is still quite a large number of applications leveraging it, even though the framework itself is completey legacy, unsupported and might not even work on some versions of Adobe 2018+ as well. If you are in this technical debt boat and want a quick win and recover some ground in the technical debt war, then this tutorial is for you.

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ContentBox v5.1 Released

Luis Majano |  March 21, 2022

We are so excited to bring you a minor release update for ContentBox Hybrid CMS. This patch has taken quite some time to put together due to extensive implementations we have been releasing with ContentBox. It addresses a plethora of issues from our initial first major version release. It brings not only stability but an incredibly slew of updates and improvements to make developing with ContentBox easier.

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ColdBox 15 Year Anniversary Video

Luis Majano |  March 16, 2022

We are so excited to share a small video celebrating the 15 years of the legacy of the ColdBox Platform rocking the ColdFusion (CFML) World. It has been a truly tremendous ride, filled with lots of joy, challenges, frustrations and satisfaction that ColdBox is powering applications from companies all over the world. We started as the very first conventions over configuration MVC framework. It has become the most widely used ColdFusion (CFML) framework and the standard for developing modern web applications in ColdFusion (CFML). With tons of products, modules and frameworks that have stemmed from this initial project. ColdBox HMVC has truly been a catalyst at Ortus!

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