
CBWIRE 2.1 Released

Grant Copley |  October 28, 2022

CBWIRE, our ColdBox module that makes building reactive, modern CFML apps delightfully easy, just dropped its 2.1 release. This release contains mostly bug fixes and also the ability to create your UI templates directly within your CBWIRE component using the onRender() method.

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Ortus Webinar - Step up your Testing with Gavin Pickin

Maria Jose Herrera |  October 25, 2022

We all test manually, lets step up our game with some easy, powerful and valuable automated tests with TestBox - even on your legacy codebases. Join Gavin on Friday October 28th at 11am (CDT) Go register!

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CF Summit, Ortus presentations available!

Maria Jose Herrera |  October 21, 2022

CFSummit was a successful event. Our Ortusians rocked their presentations and we had the chance to meet a lot of amazing people with incredible ideas to continue contributing to the CFML world!

Did you miss our sessions? Get the links to download and review anytime you want!

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October is here, and that means Hacktoberfest!

Maria Jose Herrera |  October 04, 2022

Hacktoberfest is here!

Ortus Solutions is built upon Open source with our flagship products all open source, this event holds a special place in our hearts and it’s a great space to show developers how we are modernizing the CFML language. We invite everyone to get involved and contribute to CFML Community Projects, with documentation, code, and new this year, non-code contributions. 

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Using CommandBox Docker Images to Perform Bytecode Source Conversions

Jon Clausen |  October 03, 2022

There are times when code needs to be shipped in a compiled state. It might be for obfuscation or source protection, it might just because it runs faster that way, without the CFML server needing to compile templates at runtime. It's an excellent use case for production Docker images and code deploy pipelines.

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cbElasticsearch 2.3.3 Released

Jon Clausen |  October 03, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of cbElasticsearch version 2.3.3. cbElasticsearch is the Elasticsearch module for the Coldbox platform, and provides a fluent CFML API for interacting with, searching, and serializing to Elasticsearch servers.

This release adds full compatibility for Elasticsearch v8.x as well as maintaining support for Elasticsearch versions 6 and 7.

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Ortus Will be at Adobe CF Summit 2022!

Maria Jose Herrera |  September 27, 2022

4 of our Ortusians will be speaking at CF Summit this year from Oct 3 - 4 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here are all the details you need to join us and enjoy valuable CFML content to modernize your projects! We are sponsoring the event and will have a booth for you to come by and have a chat with our team!

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Prefetching in CBWIRE

Grant Copley |  September 20, 2022

When I want to increase the perceived speed of my CBWIRE apps, one tool I reach for is prefetching. Prefetching is a built-in feature of Livewire JS that allows you to invoke an Action's results on mouseOver.

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Into the Box 2022 - Conference Recap

Gavin Pickin |  September 16, 2022

This years Into the Box has just wrapped up, but we are already preparing for 2023’s Into the Box, May, Houston Texas! The event was a huge success, we had solid attendance in person, and almost doubled our online viewership from 2021, great feedback from attendees in Houston, and online. So many attendees didn’t say goodbye at the end of the conference, they said see you next year, which, as an organizer lets you know you’ve done things right, and the hard work has paid off.

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No more page refreshing with CBWIRE and Turbo Drive

Grant Copley |  September 12, 2022

Turbo Drive can significantly enhance the user experience of your server-side apps by removing unnecessary page refreshes, and it doesn't take much to implement. Once Turbo Drive is installed, link clicks and form submissions will happen in the background via AJAX. You can use Turbo Drive with or without CBWIRE. If you are using CBWIRE, you can now use a plugin to make CBWIRE and Turbo Drive play together nicely.

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