WireBox is an enterprise ColdFusion Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programing(AOP) framework
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WireBox Overview
WireBox is an enterprise ColdFusion Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programing (AOP) framework. WireBox's inspiration has been based on the idea of rapid workflows when building object oriented ColdFusion applications, programmatic configurations and simplicity. With that motivation we introduced dependency injection by annotations and conventions, which has been the core foundation of WireBox. We have definitely been influenced by great DI projects like Google Guice, Grails Framework, Spring and ColdSpring so we thank them for their contributions and inspiration.
WireBox is standalone framework for ColdFusion (CFML) applications and it is also bundled with the ColdBox Platform.
WireBox's Main Goals
- Alleviate the need for custom object factories
- No more manual object creations and self-wiring
- Provide object life cycle and persistence
- Help your objects become more testable, extensible and mockable (That's a word!)
- Provide a centralized programmatic Binder for object mappings and configurations (no XML)
- Provide AOP capabilities
- Provide RAD workflows to object building and assembling
- Bring a nice smile to your face!
Installing WireBox
WireBox can be downloaded as a standalone framework or it is included with the latest ColdBox Platform release, so no need to install it if you are within a ColdBox application. The best way to install WireBox is using CommandBox CLI and package manager.
Systems Requirements
- Adobe ColdFusion 2016 (Deprecated)
- Adobe ColdFusion 2018+
- Lucee 5+
CommandBox Installation
You can leverage CommandBox to install the standalone version of WireBox with a simple command:
// Latest Version box install wirebox
// Bleeding Edge box install wirebox@be
This will install WireBox as a dependency in your application into a folder called wirebox. You can then leverage the standalone namespace within your application: wirebox.system.ioc.
The ColdBox Platform, WireBox is open source and licensed under the Apache 2 License.
- Copyright by Ortus Solutions, Corp
- ColdBox, CacheBox, Wirebox, LogBox are registered trademarks by Ortus Solutions, Corp
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