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LogBox is a standalone enterprise ColdFusion (CFML) logging and messaging library

LogBox Overview

LogBox is an enterprise ColdFusion (CFML) logging library designed to give you flexibility, simplicity and power when logging or tracing is needed in your applications. LogBox is also part of the ColdBox Platform suite of services and libraries and allows you to easily build upon its logging framework in order to meet any logging or reporting needs your applications has. LogBox surpasses ColdFusion's very basic cflog tag. LogBox allows you to create multiple destinations for your loggings and even configure multiple destinations or change them at runtime.

LogBox is a standalone framework for ColdFusion (CFML) applications and it is also bundled with the ColdBox Platform.


  • Simplifies adding logs/traces via an easy API and managing behavior externally.
  • Configuration via a programmatic configuration file (cfc)
  • Categories can be configured runtime or pre-runtime, with distinct logging level ranges and destination points (LogBox Appenders).
  • Appenders are configurable destinations for logging/tracing statements.
  • You can build and extend upon the Appender framework according to your unique logging or tracing needs.
  • LogBox enables personalized message formats through Layouts. You can configure a Layout component in ANY
  • LogBox appender for customized message output.
  • Allows unrestricted instantiation and usage within a single application.
  • Supports category inheritance based on component and package conventions.


LogBox can be downloaded as a standalone framework or it is included with the latest ColdBox Platform release. The main difference between both versions is the instantiation and usage namespace, the rest is the same. The best way to install LogBox is using CommandBox CLI and package manager.

  • Download LogBox Standalone
  • API Docs

Systems Requirements

CacheBox has been designed to work under the following CFML Engines:

  • ColdFusion 2016+
  • Lucee 4.5+

If you are using LogBox within a ColdBox application context, then LogBox is part of the platform. Just install ColdBox normally. If you are using LogBox standalone, just drop LogBox in your application root or create a mapping called logbox that points to the installation folder. If you can run the following snippet, then LogBox is installed correctly:

logbox = logbox.system.logging.LogBox();

CommandBox Installation

You can leverage CommandBox to install the standalone version of LogBox

// Latest Version
box install logbox
// Bleeding Edge
box install logbox@be


The ColdBox Platform, LogBox is open source and licensed under the Apache 2 License.

  • Copyright by Ortus Solutions, Corp
  • ColdBox, CacheBox, Wirebox, LogBox are registered trademarks by Ortus Solutions, Corp
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