1 - Environment Variables In The Config.
2 - Fluent If Statements -> when().
3 - CommandBox ColdBox Commands.
4 - Using a Struct for Query Strings.
5 - Building Named Routes with a Struct.
6 - Using Routing with Wildcard Domains.
7 - ENVIRONMENT Environment Variable.
8 - Which ColdBox Version Am I Using.
9 - Sending Email to a Log File.
10 - Whoops! Better Exception Tracking Experience.
Tips 1-10
11 - Custom Reinit Key: reinitKey.
12 - route.toView() - Routing to Views with No Controller.
13 - Logging Extra Information.
14 - RESTFul Extension Detection.
15 - Routing To Immediate Responses.
16 - Streaming Files To Users.
17 - Rendering Nothing From Event Handlers.
18 - No Event Handler Executions From Interceptors.
19 - Test Mappings.
20 - Watching For File Changes and Executing Tests.
Tips 11-20
21 - Generate Quick Tables with Data.
22 - Populating Objects With Form/Url Data.
23 - Populating Objects From Any Type Of Data.
24 - Module Dependencies.
25 - Reusable and Encapsulated Views.
26 - Binding Object Values to HTML Elements.
27 - Adding Prefixed Attributes to HTML Controls.
28 - Reusing Layouts > Layout Inception.
29 - Registering Closures/Lambdas as Interceptors.
30 - Adding Metadata to Routes.
Tips 21-30
31 - Getting The Current Route Record.
32 - Route Redirects.
33 - Stopping Interceptor Chains.
34 - Focusing Specs/Suites For Execution.
35 - Skipping Suites/Specs For Execution.
36 - Testing API Endpoints Simulating HTTP Verbs.
37 - Checking For Newer Package Versions.
38 - Rendering Implicit Views.
39 - Disabling Implicit Views.
40 - Returning JSON From Event Handlers.
Tips 31-40
41 - Generating PDFs From Your Views.
42 - Generating Multiple Formats By Convention.
43 - Accelerating View Rendering: prePostExempt.
44 - Virtual Events.
45 - Elegant Importing Mixins to CFCs.
46 - Running Internal Named Routes.
47 - Running Internal Events.
48 - Persisting Variables During Relocations.
49 - Adding css/js assets with tracking.
50 - Rendering External Views.
Tips 41-50
51 - Injecting Named Loggers.
52 - Delaying Injection/Construction of Objects.
53 - Mapping Java Objects.
54 - Mapping Objects to Feeds.
55 - Persisting Components in a Request.
56 - Adding Pagination to API Responses.
57 - Setting Errors for API Response.
58 - Debugging API Responses.
59 - Determining If Your Event Will Be Cached.
60 - Getting the Incoming HTTP Method.
Tips 51-60
61 - Getting the Incoming HTTP Headers.
62 - Getting the Incoming HTTP Body.
63 - Automatic JSON Body to Request Context Variables.
64 - Creating Models with CommandBox.
65 - Creating Views/Layouts with CommandBox.
66 - Creating Handlers with CommandBox.
67 - Creating Resources with CommandBox.
68 - Executing CFML Functions in CommandBox.
69 - Executing OS Binaries in CommandBox.
70 - Setting the Native Shell in CommandBox.
Tips 61-70
71 - Setting CLI Environment Variables.
72 - forEach in CommandBox.
73 - GetOrSet objects in CacheBox.
74 - Using a Different Parameter Name for Resources.
75 - Long Running Jobs with CommandBox Tasks.
76 - WireBox onDIComplete() Life-Cycle Event.
77 - Reiniting a ColdBox Application From CommandBox.
78 - Package Modules With Module Bundles.
79 - Module Helpers.
80 - Module ColdFusion Mappings.
Tips 71-80
81 - Simulating Queries In Tests.
82 - Sending Test Data To The Console.
83 - Restricting Interceptor Executions.
84 - Putting a Struct of Values in Flash Storage.
85 - Debugging ColdBox Apps.
86 - Clearing the View Caches.
87 - Basic Auth With ColdBox.
88 - Global Missing Template Handler.
89 - Handling Missing Action Executions.
90 - Creating ColdBox Futures.
Tips 81-90
91 - Dealing with Exceptions on ColdBox Futures.
92 - Scheduling Async Tasks.
93 - Registering Global Task Executors.
94 - Creating Single Use Executors.
95 - Registering Module Task Executors.
96 - Racing with ColdBox Futures: anyOf().
97 - Parallel Computations: all().
98 - Parallel Transformations: allApply().
99 - Getting Futures Data NOW!!!.
100 - Getting Futures with Timeouts.
Tips 91-100
101 - Clearing all Singletons.
102 - Migrating Your Legacy Apps To ColdBox Using a SubDirectory.
103 - Available in e-book, hardcover, and paperback format.
Tips 101-103