
TestBox 1.0.0 Release Candidate Arrives!

Luis Majano |  December 02, 2013

We are so excited to bring you our 1.0.0 Release Candidate of TestBox.  Much work and dedication has gone through this release and a final release is imminent.  For those of you that do not know what TestBox is, TestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion that is based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing ...

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TestBox BDD/xUnit Testing v1.0.0 Release Candidate Released

Luis Majano |  December 02, 2013

We are so stoked to bring you the Release Candidate version of: TestBox.  TestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion that is based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing a clean obvious syntax for writing tests. It contains not only a testing framework, runner, assertions and expectations library but also integrates with MockBox for mocking and stubbing. It also supports xUnit style of testing and MXUnit compatibilities.  TestBox can be downloaded from our main downloads page and it has been also integrated into our "development" branch for the ColdBox platform as well.  The following are the release notes for this release candidate:

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Need your input for a Ortus All Box Products Conference.

Jorge Reyes |  November 25, 2013

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Ortus ContentBox VPS Hosting

Luis Majano |  November 05, 2013

We are excited to announce another hosting provider for ContentBox Modular CMS: Kickass VPS.  We have partnered with them to not only bring you ContentBox Hosting but the VPS offering are certified by us and they are also built and tuned according to our production servers.  You can find them in 3 distinct flavors and you can even purchase them with Ortus Support ho...

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ContentBox VPS Hosting Has Arrived

Luis Majano |  November 05, 2013

We are so excited to announce our partnership with KickassVPS to bring you some great hosting offerings for ContentBox Modular CMS. These VPS offerings are certified servers by Ortus Solutions, built to our standards and tuned as well. Enjoy!

KickAssVPS logo

KickAssVPS offers ContentBox virtual private servers for all of your needs and budget sizes. These VPS servers come wit...

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Tip of the Week: Behavior-Driven Development and TestBox

Brad Wood |  November 04, 2013

If you haven't heard, the latest addition to the *Box family is TestBox and is currently out in Alpha. It allows for the standard xUnit style of testing that you may already be familiar with in tools like MXUnit. TestBox also allows for a newer style of testing known as Behavior-Driven Development or BDD. BDD helps focus on writing tests that confirm specific business needs are met by your software and typically use some sort of human-readable DSL that allows the test to be self-documenting a...

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Secure Your ColdBox Application Easily With the New FuseGuard Module

Brad Wood |  November 01, 2013

We are very pleased to announce the new Ortus FuseGuard Module for securing ColdBox applications against malicious attacks.  FuseGuard is a web application firewall written by the smart ...

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ContentBox Firewall Module

Luis Majano |  October 31, 2013


We are so excited to announce the general availability of the Ortus FuseGuard module for ContentBox.  FuseGuard is a software application firewall that will enhance your ContentBox installation with real-time protection.

Features in a Nutshell

Apart from the standard features of the Foundeo FuseGuard F...

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