
Into The Box 2014 Registration is Live!

Luis Majano |  January 21, 2014

Just in case you have not heard, the site for Into The Box 2014 is now live and ready for your order!  Into The Box is a 1-day, 2-track event with speakers from around the world presenting on topics surrounding the Ortus Solutions product stack, CFML and web technologies. It will be held 1 day before the biggest ...

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Into The Box Site Badges Are Here

Brad Wood |  January 13, 2014

We're very busy gearing for our first-ever Box conference called Into The Box.  We'll be releasing our full conference site this week with session and speaker details. Registration is also live here as well:,

Please download our Press Kit...

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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator v1.2.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  January 08, 2014

We are proud to announce today a minor release for Ortus DataBoss version 1.1.0.  This release fixes lots of issues reported and also introduces one of DataBoss' most impressive feature yet: RESTFul ORM exports.  You can now use DataBoss as a centralized data hub with export capabilities of data and entity with its relationships in JSON, JSONP, XML, WDDX or even PDF formats.  We have completely documented the RESTFul endpoints for DataBoss and even added pagination to the native API.

We have also added localized support for all dates and times and even added a fancy time picker to make time entry a lot easier for applications.

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Zurich 2014 ColdBox TestBox Training

Luis Majano |  January 06, 2014

We are so excited to announce the open registration of our ColdBox Bootcamp in Switzerland this February 5th to the 7th.  This bootcamp will include a medley of our professional training courses and lead by ColdBox creator Luis Majano.  We will be reviewing the major porti...

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Zurich 2014 ColdBox TestBox Training Bootcamp

Luis Majano |  January 06, 2014

We are so excited to officially announce yet another ColdBox and TestBox training event in Switzerland from February 5th to the 7th.  This training course will be lead by Luis Majano and will include a medley of our core courses and an entire day dedicated to testing using

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ContentBox v1.6.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas, ContentBox v1.6.0 is here!  You can either download the updates or use our auto-update panel to upgrade.  Please note that you must first update to version 1.5.7 and then you can auto-update to 1.6.0.  We have also created a patches section in our download page, so you can download individual patches and install them if needed.

  • ContentBox Source: To deploy in any CFML engine (Adobe or Railo)
  • ContentBox WAR: To deploy in any J2EE engine
  • ContentBox Express: To deploy in any machine



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Tip of the Week: ColdBox Now More Secure By Default

Brad Wood |  December 19, 2013

We try not to break backwards compatibility in the ColdBox framework, but sometimes there's a compelling reason to do so.  In the notes for the 3.8 release you may have seen [COLDBOX-218] - Default reinit and debug hashed passwords.

Taking a cue from recent breaches on the Internet, we're focusing on making things more "secure by default".  Th...

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Announcing Into The Box - The First Box-Centric CFML Conference

Brad Wood |  December 19, 2013

For everyone going to cf.Objective() in 2014, you won't to miss the one-day Into The Box conference which will cover all things 'Box including ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and much more!  In...

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ColdBox Platform v3.8.0 + Libraries Released

Luis Majano |  December 18, 2013

It is a happy day here at Ortus Solutions as we bring you yet again a plethora of releases of all our major open source libraries.  This is the culmination of over 6 months of hard work to get you updates for all of our major open source libraries and even a new library, TestBox.  You can read more about our releases in our engineering blog: