
Announcing ColdBox Developer Week 2014

Brad Wood |  September 10, 2014


We are pleased to announce that ColdBox Developers Week (CBDW) is back for the third year now.  CBDW is a full week of completely free webinars (4-a-day) put on by Team ColdBox and other smart ColdFusion bods from around the world.  We've got some great topics this year that...

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ColdBox 4 & CommandBox Beta have arrived!

Luis Majano |  September 04, 2014

Ortus Solutions is proud to announce the general beta availability of ColdBox 4.0.0 and CommandBox 1.0.0.  This has been over 6 months of hard work from the engineering team to bring you two revolutionary new product releases that we are sure is going to change the ColdFusion (CFML) landscape.  

ColdBox 4 has ...

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Ortus Railo CloudVPS Servers Have Arrived!

Luis Majano |  August 29, 2014

We are excited today to announce the general availability of our Railo CloudVPS servers.  We have partnered with KickassVPS to bring about an offering of three great Railo CloudVPS pre-configured packages.  These CloudVPS offerings come fully loaded with features from the latest Railo 4.2 pre...

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Getting started with ContentBox Express!

Luis Majano |  August 13, 2014

Here is a video screencast of how to get started with ContentBox Express! Hope you enjoy!


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Converting Fusebox 5.1 Sample App to ColdBox MVC - Part 2

Brad Wood |  August 12, 2014

This is the second half of our two-part conversion of a FuseBox 5.1 sample app to ColdBox MVC.  If you haven't been following our blog series on converting your legacy FuseBox apps over to ColdBox MVC you may want to back up and read the

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Brad Wood Presenting on ColdBox to Chicagoland User Group 8/13 @ 6:30pm Central

Brad Wood |  August 06, 2014

This August 13th at 6:30 pm Brad Wood will be presenting an introduction to the ColdBox MVC Platform to the Chicagoland user group.  If you're in the area, please attend in person.  For everyone else, I'll be presenting via Adobe Connect and you can join the room to listen in.

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Converting Fusebox 5.1 Sample App to ColdBox MVC

Brad Wood |  August 05, 2014

Welcome back to our blog series on converting your legacy FuseBox apps over to ColdBox MVC.  In our

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California Fall 2014 ColdBox-TestBox Training

Luis Majano |  August 04, 2014

Come get trained in sunny California!


We will be holding a ColdBox and TestBox bootcamp in sunny California this October 1-3rd, 2014.  This bootcamp will include a medley of our professional training courses and lead by ColdBox creator

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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator v1.4.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 04, 2014


We are proud to announce today a nice minor release for Ortus DataBoss Version 1.4.0.  This release brings about support for Adobe ColdFusion 11, perpetual and yearly subscription licensing and much more.  We modified our licensing model and have created a yearly and perpetual plan for each version of DataBoss to allow for a more flexible and approachable licensing model.  Below you can see a summary of the major updates for this release, release notes and information about DataBoss.  If you have never tried DataBoss before, we have a trial version as well that you can use to kick the tires and see how productive it can make you and your team.

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ContentBox at the North Virginia User Group (August 13)

Luis Majano |  August 01, 2014

This August 13th at 7PM Luis Majano, creator of ContentBox, will be presenting the newest version of our CMS at the North Virginia ColdFusion User Group. So if you are in the Washington, DC and/or Virginia vicinity, please drop on by.  Luis will be reviewing all the new features of ContentBox and the upcoming roadmap of this Modular CMS.  For much more information and your RSVP, please go to:

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