
Running CommandBox on the Raspberry Pi

Luis Majano |  March 17, 2015

ABP Development Solutions has a great posting on how to run CommandBox on the Raspberry PI.  Check out the article as it is a great read and great project to follow.


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We are hiring: Jr Dev Ops Engineer

Luis Majano |  March 16, 2015

We are currently looking for a part-time contracting positing with the Ortus Solutions team as a jr dev ops system engineer.  You will be joining a team of engineers and software developers focused on building scalable software and mobile solutions for customers around the world.  This position will require hands-on knowledge of highly scalable web infrastructures and implementations, along-side server and application maintenance, debugging and implementations.  Below you can find the duties, responsibilities and more information about this position.  If you are interested about this position, please email us your resume and cover letter to

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Couchbase Lucee v2.0.0 Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  March 12, 2015

We are very excited to bring you a new commercial product release for the Ortus Family: Couchbase Lucee Extension  The Couchbase Lucee Extension allows you to natively connect to a

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LogBox Documentation Book Released

Luis Majano |  March 11, 2015

We are proud to announce the general availability of the new LogBox 2.0.0 documentation in book format.  The book can be read online and downloaded for Free for all types of readers and mobile devices.  Enjoy!


WireBox Documentation Book Released

Luis Majano |  March 11, 2015

We are proud to announce the general availability of the new WireBox 2.0.0 documentation in book format.  The book can be read online and downloaded for Free for all types of readers and mobile devices.  Enjoy!


CacheBox Documentation Book Released

Luis Majano |  March 11, 2015

We are proud to announce the general availability of the new CacheBox 2.0.0 documentation in book format.  The book can be read online and downloaded for Free for all types of readers and mobile devices.  Enjoy!


CommandBox - Mastering Parameters

Brad Wood |  March 06, 2015

CommandBox is unique from other CLIs in a couple ways.  My favorite one is that everything is built around the concept of commands.  Not only does this organize how CFML scripts can be run from the command line, it also greatly simplifies writing custom commands since you have a platform to build upon.  Part of that platform is automatic parameter handling, which brings me to my second favorite thing about CommandBox.  Many CLIs only allow for positional parameters, while CommandBox also allows for the familiar syntax of named parameters plus the convenience of flags for quick boolean controls.

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Using CommandBox to manage dependencies

Brad Wood |  March 05, 2015

Dependencies are other packages that are required by another package for it to run. A simple package may have no dependencies, or it may have many. There are two types of dependencies: a regular dependency or a development dependency. Regular dependencies are ones required for operation of the main package. Development dependencies are optional and only necessary if you plan on making changes to the package you're installing. Dev dependencies would include testing frameworks or build tools.

When a package is installed, CommandBox will read its dependencies (from the box.json) and recursively install them as well. This encourages developers to write small, reusable libraries for everyone to use. When installing via a package manager, you don't have to worry about getting all the pieces installed.

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CommandBox Tips for the Command Line

Curt Gratz |  March 04, 2015

Hopefully we have piqued your interesting into using CommandBox to help you with your day to day development, but maybe you haven't had much experience with a CLI.  I wanted to share a few tips and tricks to make your life easier.

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CommandBox - Choose your own Adventure

Gavin Pickin |  March 03, 2015

CommandBox’s run command is not like a normal function you write. Each piece of the function is run line by line, to give you that interactivity needed for a true command prompt application. To test this side of things, I decided I had 2 choices, build a wizard, or enter the room to the left. Wait a minute, the room to the left, that sounds like one of those Choose your own Adventure stories, where the choices you make, affect the outcome of the story. That’s right… remembering how cool those books were, I decided that would be more fun, so lets see how you can build your own “Choose your own Adventure” command for CommandBox.

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