
ColdFusion Summit 2016 Training Bootcamp

Luis Majano |  April 20, 2016




We are so excited to bring our Box training series back to this year's Adobe ColdFusion Summit on October 8-9th, 2016 at the Mand...

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ColdBox 4.2.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  April 01, 2016

We are excited to announce the general availability of ColdBox 4.2.0. This release includes tons of fixes but also great new features and speed improvements. If you have CommandBox installed, you can upgrade now by just typing: box update coldbox or get started with a new ColdBox app by typing: box coldbox create app --installColdBox.



Here is a synopsis of the major feature updates and improvements in this release.

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Making a live edit contact list with Coldbox REST & Vue.js

Scott Steinbeck |  March 28, 2016

Today we will be making a contact database that you can quickly and easily manage using ColdBox and Vue.js. We will be using bootstrap in our project to make it the UI look a little better but it is completely optional if you want to use this in your own project.

For this project I will be using CommandBox to generate all my files.

TL;DR: View the repo here

Lets Begin.

Step 1: You can skip this step if you already have a project set up. 

From CommandBox run:

coldbox create app name=CBVue skeleton=rest --installColdBox

This will give us a minimal project with a handlers\BaseHandler.cfc (needed to make our life easy when creating a REST API) and an handlers\Echo.cfc which is an example usage to get you started.

Now that we have our project started we need to tweak a few things.

First, since this is a template that is expecting to be setup for REST only, the Echo.cfc is set to be the default entry point. Since we want to create a view that accesses a REST API we need to point that to a view.

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REST 2016 - Testing your API with Jasmine

Gavin Pickin |  March 25, 2016

Are you writing APIs? Going to start writing APIs? Now is the time to start testing. Sounds familiar, it should, because you’ll be hearing that a LOT. Do it early, and often, and reap the benefits as the project grows. Whether you are using CFML or not, TestBox is a great way to test your APIs, like I showed you in a previous blog post. Today, we’ll look at Jasmine, and see how you can test your APIs with Javascript… and a couple of “gotchas” I ran into as well.

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REST2016 - Route Conditions

Luis Majano |  March 23, 2016

Sometimes when you define an incoming API route, you want it to match certain environment or aspect conditions. The addRoute() has an argument called condition, which can be a closure or UDF pointer that must return a boolean and receives the incoming requestString. You can then decide if the route should execute or just be ignored.

So if a route matches via the pattern, then this closu...

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Building Ionic Apps with ColdBox REST

Scott Steinbeck |  March 22, 2016

Are you ready to enter the exciting world of app building? In today's world, 60% of people are viewing your website on a mobile phone most sites are hard to navigate.  People constantly ha...

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REST2016 - Testing your API with TestBox

Gavin Pickin |  March 18, 2016

Are you writing APIs? Going to start writing APIs? Now is the time to start testing. Do it early, and often, and reap the benefits as the project grows. TestBox, the defacto CFML test suite, can help your test your API, whether it’s CFML or not.

I will assume you have the basic TextBox installation setup.

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A Developer Walks in to A Pub... - Conversations with an API

Jon Clausen |  March 18, 2016

ReSTful web services are the rage. APIs for public consumption are everywhere and developers are being tasked daily with the chore of implementing new ones, and ColdBox has a fantastic set of tools for helping you to do just that. As developers, though, we often fall in to the trap of thinking of API's only in terms of delivering data when, in reality, with a bit of foresight and architectural planning, we can create API's that enable conversations with our consumers.

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REST2016 - Route Responses

Luis Majano |  March 14, 2016

You can route responses inline with ColdBox via the addRoute() function globally in your main routes.cfm template or within any Module as well. This will allow you to build simple response functions or even mock out or stub a RESTFul service very easily. The paremeters you will use for response routing will be: response, statusCode and statusText.

The response argument can be a string or a closure or UDF pointer. T...

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Ortus PDF v1.0.0 Lucee Extension Released

Luis Majano |  March 14, 2016


We are extremely excited to bring to the masses our PDF extension for Lucee CFML server. This has been in the works since the Railo days and we have finally spiced it up to release it publicly. So what exactly does the Ortus PDF extension do? I am glad you asked. Let's check this extension out.


The Ortus PDF Lucee Extension adds to any Lucee engine the missing PDF capabilities you were longing for and enhancing some PDF capabilities as well. The extension contains several new CFML built-in tags and functions (coming soon) that will help you manipulate and work with PDF documents. Our extension is completely documented and professionaly supported via our Ortus Support services.

Implemented Tags:

  • cfpdfform
  • cfpdfformparam


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