
CBCMS2016 - Building your Own Admin Modules - Part 1 - Extending ContentBox 3

Gavin Pickin |  July 27, 2016

In previous posts, we looked at how to extend ContentBox 3 with ColdBox Modules, installing from Forgebox with CommandBox, or creating your own. In this post, we're going to look at how you can create your own Admin Modules, add Menu Items into the Admin Interface, use ContentBox admin Users and Permissions instead of building your own security by extending ContentBox.

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Into The Box - Web Development Conference. We need your feedback and we'll reward you for it!

Jorge Reyes |  July 26, 2016

Into The Box - Web Development Conference

Web Development is our passion and we have great plans for the Into The Box Conference for the upcoming years and we want to make sure that we stay in the right path: the path where peopl...

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CBCMS2016 - ContentBox ColdFusion CMS Roadshow 2016 - BREAKING NEWS: A Bonus Week for the Roadshow!

Jorge Reyes |  July 25, 2016

Not One but TWO weeks to go!

2 FREE Live Webinars

July 29th + August 5th 2016 | Friday 11 am Central

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CBCMS2016 - ContentBox Modules Deep Dive - What we'll cover in the webinar

Gavin Pickin |  July 25, 2016

Friday, July 29th is the last of our webinars in our ContentBox Roadshow, which has been pumping out blog posts and webinars all throughout the month of July. In this last webinar I'm going to do a deep dive into modules, providing a walkthrough on how to create modules, and use them in your ContentBox site, hopefully that sounds interesting, and you'll join us.

Register now for free - get reminders and all of the recording links.

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CBCMS2016 - ContentBox Comment Moderation and Events

Luis Majano |  July 22, 2016

ContentBox sports many out of the box comment moderation tools.

From the screenshot you can appreciate all the different tuning you can do for comment moderation:

  • All comments moderated
  • User must have an approved comment to be approved consequentely
  • Auto-deletion of comments that are moderated
  • Moderated keywords (ip addresses, authors, emails, or content)
  • Blocked keywords (ip addresses, authors, emails, or content)

My favorite setting is the auto-deletion of moderated comments. I have never ever ever ever cleaned up spam anymore. I let ContentBox do it every X number of days and I truly appreciate that as it is one less thing to worry about.

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CommandBox 3.2.0 Released plus new Adobe Servers on ForgeBox

Brad Wood |  July 21, 2016

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of CommandBox 3.2.0 to the public. This is a minor release of the CLI tool and aimed at adding some polish to the multi-server features that came out in 3.1. Jon Clausen also worked to get the latest Adobe 10, 11, and 2016 updates added to ForgeBox as well so you can start up Adobe servers with all the latest fixes.

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CBCMS2016 - ContentBox - Inheriting the Theme Layout in your Custom Module

Gavin Pickin |  July 20, 2016

Modules are one of the key components of everything ContentBox. Adding a module into ContentBox is fairly simple, we have a few blog posts already outlining some of the different ways you can create them, but we have left out one very important piece so far ( we actually had a few questions about it on the CFML Slack Channel ), how do we theme our custom module output? Theming your custom module, so it uses the same theme/layout as the rest of your ContentBox site is now a reality. This is vital if you are going to be extending your site with your own modules, and you would hate for your module to be tightly coupled to the current theme, making it harder to change themes. This could be difficult, but luckily for you, its simple.


Don't let your Custom Module look like this screenshot


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CBCMS2016 - Webinar - ContentBox + Mobile : Love is in the air

Gavin Pickin |  July 19, 2016

ContentBox 3 is a big step forward for us, as we have discussed during our month long roadshow... and in todays technological state, we can't talk too much without mention Mobile apps. This Friday, July 22nd 2016, at 11 Central, Scott Steinbeck will be leading a webinar on ContentBox + Mobile, to give you an overview of how he designed the Into the Box app for our conference in St Paul MN in June, written with Ionic and ContentBox.

Register today for this free webinar.

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CBCMS2016 - Discovering the Global HTML Theme Interception Points

Luis Majano |  July 08, 2016


ContentBox has what we call, a Global HTML manager. This manager allows you to seamlessly drop in JavaScript/CSS/HTML to specific theme and UI presentation life-cycle events.

Please note that the active theme must implement the life-cycle events in order for the Global HTML output to happen.


The purpose of the Global HTML manager is to allow the integration of third-party scripts, CSS or HTML integrations easily without altering code or programming it in the theme. This allows for cross-theme output in a manageable manager.

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CBCMS2016 - ContentBox Administration 101 - For Admins, Managers, Editors and Users

Gavin Pickin |  July 07, 2016

The ContentBox roadshow keeps on trucking, with this weeks free online webinar being presented on ContentBox Administration 101, by Jorge Reyes, on Friday, July 8th at 11am Central time. This is a great session, because it looks at ContentBox from an administrator or a users position. As developers at Ortus, we get excited about all the nuts and bolts under the covers, but for non developers, ContentBox is a quality enterprise level product, that anyone can use.

Please register to get updates, summaries, and all the recording links ( in case you cannot make the live webinars ).

Click here to register now

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