
The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 1 - Network Proxy

Brad Wood |  December 15, 2016

At Ortus we love the holidays and we figured the best way to get you in the Christmas mood was to share the gift of developer productivity this year.  That's why we're doing a 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas this year to send you into the new year with some clever tricks you can use as leverage when asking for your raise!

Network Proxy

Love to use CommandBox but your network admins require you to use a company proxy for all your internet traffic?  This can give you weird errors any time you try to install packages, search ForgeBox, or start up an Adobe server.  That's because each of those items requires you to connect to the Internet.  

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Configuring your CommandBox servers on first start

Brad Wood |  December 13, 2016

More and more people are starting to use CommandBox for their local development, especially among teams who want to quickly and easily start up the same environment on each of their machines.  That has led to the most common question now for CommandBox users which is: "How do I automatically configure my ColdFusion/Lucee settings on my server?"

This is a fair question, and for the most part I've treated configuring the settings in your CF engine to be outside the realm of what CommandBox tries to solve.  The reality is, the CF engines often times fall short and people need a better way.  Here's a guide for your current options when it comes to configuring the settings on your CF engine.

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Call For Speakers Open for Into The Box 2017

Brad Wood |  November 30, 2016

We're gearing up to bring Into The Box back-- our yearly Ortus conference of Boxy goodness!!  This year will have some major changes from previous years. Click read more to view more details!

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Ortus Open Source Projects Celebrate 1000 Pull Requests!

Brad Wood |  November 29, 2016

1000 Pulls and Counting!!!

Ortus Solutions maintains a growing number of open source projects that are available to the community for collaboration.  This includes everything from MVC to CLI tools, CMS, modules, and the documentation itself.  We host all our projects on GitHub and encourage the community to contribute in big and small ways.  

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TestBox v2.4.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 18, 2016

Whats new with TestBox 2.4.0?

TestBox 2.4.0 is a minor release with some great new functionality and tons of fixes. This release has been a great community effort as many people in the community contributed to its release. Special thanks to Eric Peterson, Joe Gooch and Sean Corfield for their additions, testing and contributions.

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CommandBox 3.4.0 Released

Brad Wood |  November 16, 2016

We are pleased to announce the general availability of CommandBox 3.4.0! This is a minor release of the CLI tool aimed at fixing bugs and introducing a number of small improvements and polish to the tool!

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Ortus Developer Week 2016 - Our Schedule is Live Now!

Jorge Reyes |  November 01, 2016

Ortus Developer Week
November 14-18, 2016

5 days, 20 Live Sessions


Register for Free now!
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CommandBox 3.3.0 Released - server enhancements and bug fixes.

Brad Wood |  October 09, 2016

We are pleased to announce a minor release of our CommandBox CLI, server, and package manager tool today. Version 3.3.0 of CommandBox is our second minor release since we added support for starting Adobe ColdFusion engines, Railo, and Lucee 5 web servers.  This release has 46 tickets that focus on cleaning up more rough edges around the server implementatio...

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