
ContentBox Docker Image 3.5.1 Released

Jon Clausen |  April 18, 2017

ContentBox + Docker

We are pleased to announce the release of the official ContentBox Docker image. As with the CommandBox image, the [major].[minor].[patch] versioning mirrors the upstream product version, so it's easy to pull deploy a specific version, should your application require it.

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ITB 2017 - Speakers Are The Key To This Conference - Speaker Summary 2

Gavin Pickin |  April 18, 2017

Each and everyone of these speakers will bring something new to the conference! ITB 2017 has a lot of great speakers that you do not want to miss! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone! Learn about some of the speakers here. Here's our second speaker summary!

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ITB 2017 - Every Speaker Will Offer an Unique Experience - Speaker Summary 1

Gavin Pickin |  April 17, 2017

Every person speaking at the conference will bring something unique and special! ITB 2017 has a lot of great speakers. A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone! Take some time to get to know our speakers by clicking on the links below! Here's our very first speaker summary!

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Into The Box 2017 is Offering Amazing Workshops

Gavin Pickin |  April 13, 2017

Into The Box 2017 Workshops!

There are several different workshops happening this year! Here is a quick overview of them! Make sure you check out all the links and we hope you enjoy the experience of participating with us! Space is limited, and the workshops only have a couple of seats left each, so register today to save your spot! Until then happy programming!

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ContentBox v3.5.1 Released

Luis Majano |  April 12, 2017

ContentBox Update!

Today we released a patch for ContentBox Modular CMS v3.5.1 to address 1 critical bug fix and managed to squeeze some minor improvements along the way! So either do an automatic patch via the ContentBox admin, or issue a CommandBox `box update contentbox` and you will be patched. Enjoy!

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ColdBox Relax v3.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  April 11, 2017

ColdBox Relax

Coldbox Relax LogoColdBox Relax Moldule v3.0 has been officially released, which includes native support for the OpenAPI/Swagger specification, in addition to a variety of feature upgrades and enhancements.

Version 3.0 makes the OpenAPI/Swagger specification the default documentation format for describing your APIs, while deprecating the Relax programmatic DSL ( scheduled EOL is v4.0 ). In addition, the release includes a complete overhaul of the user interface and Relax API Test Tool, to provide users with a seamless experience for documenting, viewing, testing and exporting in a variety of formats.

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Thank you to all of our Into The Box Sponsors

Gavin Pickin |  April 11, 2017

ITB 2017 Proud Sponsors!

Into The Box has been brought together by many different people! One of the most important parts, is our sponsors. ITB 2017 has a lot of great sponsors! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. Make sure to check out all the blog links below to see who is all sponsoring this event as we want to thank each and every one of them for this years support!

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Lucee 5 Couchbase Extension released

Brad Wood |  April 11, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of version 3.0.0 of our Couchbase Lucee Extension, which brings support for Lucee 5! Couchbase is a popular NoSQL database and caching document store which can be scaled horizontally for high availability and redundancy.  The Ortus Lucee Couchbase extension comes with the following features...

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Where are my Lucee and Adobe ColdFusion log files on CommandBox servers?

Brad Wood |  April 10, 2017

As more people are starting to use CommandBox to start their Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee servers, I've gotten the question of where to find their log files.  The servers that CommandBox starts are full fledged servers with a web admin and all the same log files you'd expect.  However, CommandBox skips the vendor installer and uses the WAR files of each engine for a quick and lightweight deployment that can be deleted later and won't conflict with other servers, no matter how many you have.

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What Is Happening at Into The Box in April 2017 & How To Save Money

Gavin Pickin |  April 06, 2017

Into The Box is coming soon! ITB 2017 has a great line up and some awesome discounts! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. Below you can get a brief explanation of things that will be available at ITB and links to their original posts! We can't wait to see you there!

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