
TestBox v2.5.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  May 18, 2017

We are excited to announce the release of TestBox version 2.5.0. To install just do:

box install testbox --savedev

To upgrade your current testbox installation just run the following:

box uninstall testbox && install testbox --savedev

TestBox 2.5.0 is a minor release with some great new functionality and tons of fixes. You can find the release notes here and the major updates for this release. One of the biggest features for TestBox that was not part of TestBox, was the addition of TestBox Watchers to CommandBox.

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Washington DC cf.Objective() 2017 CommandBox Training

Luis Majano |  May 15, 2017


We are so excited to bring our Training Bootcamp series back to the Washington, D.C./Virginia area this July 18-19th 2017 just before CF.Objective.


Do you want to transform your procedural/legacy CFML to modern times? Then this training is for you!

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ColdBox Framework Reinit Strategies

Brad Wood |  May 11, 2017

ColdBox Framework Reinit Strategies!

Everybody updates their code.  Some more than others, and many during business hours.  This leads to the inevitable conundrum of needing to reinit your ColdBox application to pick up said changes. If ColdBox is reinitted while a server is under load, some users may get errors, so it's a very common to get questions about how to handle that. 

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Evolve your legacy ColdFusion to CommandBox Microservices - ITB2017 Day 2

Luis Majano |  May 09, 2017

Evolve your legacy ColdFusion to CommandBox Microservices - ITB2017 Day 2

Day 2 for the Into The Box conference started with our second keynote focusing on how to evolve legacy ColdFusion (CFML) applications/dinosaurs into modern ColdFusion applications. Click the read more tab to view more details!

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Into The Box 2017 Keynote Day 1 Recap & Recording

Luis Majano |  May 02, 2017

Into The Box Day 1 2017 Keynote Recap & Recording!

In this blog post, you will be able to revive a little of the ambiance and the culture of modern ColdFusion through our Day 1 Keynote. Our focus was to bring attention to the procedural and legacy stigma that has plagued the ColdFusion community for many years. We tackled head on the major problems the ColdFusion community has been dealing with for the past 10 years: legacy, not modern, procedural, no tools, no OS integrations, no jobs, no learning, etc. We demistifyed all these legacy and non-modern concerns and issued a warning to corporations that are still in procedural/legacy hell; Evolve or die!

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Into the Box - Live Streaming

Jorge Reyes |  April 24, 2017

Into The Box 2017 - Live Streaming


April 27-28 | 9am - 10am. For those of you who couldn't make it to Into The Box 2017 in Houston, we are thrilled to announce that the Keynotes on both Day 1 and Day 2 of Into The Box will be livestreamed! Learn about the plans for the future of CFML Live from the Box Team and enjoy a FREE live session on how to bring your Legacy Apps back to life with *BOX Microservices.

Register for the Live Stream

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ITB 2017 - Speakers, Speakers and More Awesome speakers - Speaker Summary 5

Gavin Pickin |  April 21, 2017

Into The Box 2017 Speaker Interviews!

Yes, we have more speakers! ITB has a great ratio of speakers to attendees, so you get to learn the best from the best, and you have lots of opportunities to talk to the speakers at meals, and in the hallway track. ITB 2017 has a lot of great speakers that contribute to this conference. A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. These are speakers you do not want to miss! Here's our fifth speaker summary!

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ITB 2017 - Some Great Sessions by Great Speakers - Speaker Summary 4

Gavin Pickin |  April 20, 2017

These speakers are bringing some wonderful information to the conference that you do not want to miss! ITB 2017 has a lot of great speakers that contribute to this conference! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. Here's our fourth speaker summary!

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ITB 2017 - Speakers and Sessions Galore - Speaker Summary 3

Gavin Pickin |  April 19, 2017

Not only do these speakers and sessions deliver an amazing experience to the conference, they bring great knowledge to pass along to everyone! ITB 2017 has a lot of great experience to everyone that is involved, from the speakers to the attendees. A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone! Here's our third speaker summary!

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CommandBox FusionReactor Module v1.6.0 released

Brad Wood |  April 18, 2017

We've had our CommandBox FusionReactor Module out for about 6 months now which lets you easily enable FusionReactor on your CommandBox servers.  It works for Lucee and Adobe servers alike and requires no manual installation. All you need to do is install the module and add in your license key with these two commands:

CommandBox> install commandbox-fusionreactor
CommandBox> fusionreactor register "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
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