
CommandBox 3.7.0 Release Candidate Ready For Testing

Brad Wood |  June 30, 2017

We've got a new release candidate of CommandBox ready for you to test that's just teeming with new features!

CommandBox 3.7.0-rc is available now for a final round of testing before its final release. There been 51 tickets completed in the last 3 months that bring enhancements to the CLI, TestBox integration, web servers, package management, plus some new stuff called Task Runners!

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A ColdBox Success Story - Patrick Leal of Paper Oh!

Luis Majano |  June 13, 2017

A ColdBox Success Story!

Listen to Patrick, director of Paper Oh, discuss his experience of ColdBox training during CFSummit 2016 and his plans to implement ColdBox and ColdFusion in their applications in Brazil!

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ContentBox v3.6.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 08, 2017

Today we are very excited to bring you ContentBox version 3.6.0!

This release is all about improvements to the core, localization and internationalization for sites, many bug fixes, UI improvements and updates to our containerization strategy!

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A ContentBox CMS Success Story - Tim Cunningham- Primoris Services

Luis Majano |  June 06, 2017

A ContnentBox Success Story!

Watch and listen as Tim Cunningham, the vice president of [Primoris Services]( discusses how they leveraged ContentBox Modular CMS to deliver a payment portal for their API payment services!

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ForgeBox v2.2.0 Released

Luis Majano |  May 24, 2017

Ohh happy day, today we get a minor release in []( and our first blog post announcement about ForgeBox releases!

As the product matures and we continue to pipe in new functionality, be expectant of blog posts relating the new functionality in ForgeBox. Most of the issues in this release are cosmetic and improving existing functionality. Enjoy!

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Portainer Docker Support for CommandBox and ContentBox

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2017

We are very excited that the []( crew has added support for CommandBox and CommandBox docker image deployment!

Don't know what a container is? Continue down and we will show you what it's all about!

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A ColdBox Success Story - Brian Sappery-

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2017

Another ColdBox Success Story!

Brian Sappery, Applications Architect for [](, discusses how they leverage the ColdBox Platform and ColdFusion for delivering a high impact and mission critical RESTFul applications, that powers much of their multi-million dollar infrastructure!

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A ColdBox Success Story - Chad Haney - PiepelineSuite

Luis Majano |  May 19, 2017

Watch and Listen to a ColdBox Success Story!

Chad Haney, the CTO for [pipelinesuite]( discusses how they leverage the [ColdBox Platform](/products/coldbox) for delivering a high impact Software as a Service built in ColdFusion (CFML)!

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Using "testbox watch" to Automate Your Testing Suite

Brad Wood |  May 19, 2017

Using "testbox watch" to Automate Your Testing Suite

There is a new command in town in the CommandBox 3.7 snapshot build.  If you want to get the current snapshot build of CommandBox 3.7 to try this out, and play with it, simply run the following command and it will direct you to the latest bleeding edge download page:

CommandBox> upgrade --latest
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DC CF.Objective() 2017 CommandBox Training Discounts

Luis Majano |  May 19, 2017

DC CommandBox Training Discounts!

If you will be attending this year's [CF.Objective]( (Which you should!) on July, then you can attend our ColdFusion CommandBox training (July 18-19) and get a whooping **25%**! You can use the discount code `cfobjective` and be on your way to learn how to evolve your legacy ColdFusion applications by using modern tooling like CommandBox!

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