
CFSummit2017 - ColdBox Hierarchical MVC - Transform Your Monolith

Luis Majano |  November 20, 2017

Here are our slides from our ColdBox Hierarchical MVC presentation at this year's Adobe ColdFusion Summit. You can also find the source code for our demo here: or you can install it via CommandBox: box install lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo.

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CommandBox 3.9.0 Released

Brad Wood |  November 15, 2017

We are pleased to announce the general availability of CommandBox 3.9.0.  This is a minor release of our CFML CLI, REPL, Package Manager, and portable server.  3.9 comes with a few new features as well as a nice list of bug fixes and enhancements.

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CommandBox 3.9.0 Release Candidate available for testing

Brad Wood |  November 01, 2017

We're wrapping up the release of CommandBox 3.9.0 which is available now as a release candidate.  I'd like to get as many eyes as possible to ensure everything is working good before we finalize the release. 

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CommandBox 3.8 series Docker Images Released

Jon Clausen |  October 31, 2017

Today we released our 3.8 series of docker images ( current source version 2.1.0 ) which include a number of improvements and enhancements.

Change Log

  • Updates to CommandBox v3.8+
  • Adds support for Docker secrets
  • Adds casing aliases for environment variables
  • Adds new opinionated password security
  • Updates to runtime output for clarity
  • Changes image for alpine build to prevent CommandBox errors when installing dependencies
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CFCamp 2017 - ColdBox 5 Hierarchical MVC - Transform Your Monolith

Luis Majano |  October 31, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 2: ColdBox Hierarchical MVC. You can also find the source code for our demo here: or you can use CommandBox to install it: box install lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo

The ColdBox Platform was the f...

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Screencast Intro to FusionReactor Cloud & Docker Swarm Demo

Brad Wood |  October 27, 2017

We've made a new screencast that shows an introduction to FusionReactor Cloud, a new way to monitor any number of servers in a consolidated interface that can scale up and down with your infrastructure.  Not only do new servers automatically register and deregister themselves with the Cloud dashboard, but it supports a pay-for-what-you-use model that prevents you from locking into a specific number of licenses.  

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Ortus Developer Week 2017- Our Schedule is Live Now!

Luis Majano |  October 20, 2017
<div class="col-md-12">
	<img src="__media/home-carousel/ortus-logo.jpg" width="300px">
	<h1>Ortus Developer Week<br />November 06-10, 2017</h1>
	<h3>5 days, 15 Live Sessions</h3>

	<a class="btn btn-info btn-lg" href="" target="_blank"&g...
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CFCamp 2017 - A Tale of Legacy to Modernization Presentation

Luis Majano |  October 20, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 1: A Tale of Legacy to Modernization.

Evolve or Die! How many times have they told you, You still coding in that?. Come to this session to discover the infamous land of legacy ColdFusion applications, their why and existence motivations. We will then discover how to finally evolve them and take them to the wonderful land of Modern ColdFus...

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Call For Speakers Open for Into The Box 2018

Luis Majano |  September 27, 2017

We are very excited that the Into The Box conference is coming back to the Houston are in April of 2018. Registration is now officially open and call for papers is now open as well. We have great many things planned for this year surrounding our conference mantra of: Modernize Your Skillz

  • Full 2-day conference with over 30 different technology topics
  • An additional full day of hands-on training available for a veritable 3 days of awesome
  • A warm and sunny city of Houston, TX
  • Starting on April 25th - 28th
  • Modernize Your Skillz
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CONTAINERS2017 - Keep it secret. Keep it safe (with Docker)

Eric Peterson |  September 26, 2017

Whether you are new to Docker, a Docker expert, or even sticking with a traditional server setup, using environment variables will make your code more dynamic, more portable, and more ready for your eventual transition to Docker (or whatever comes next). Come learn how to use them in CFML, Docker, and the various tools around these technologies.

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