
The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas 2017 - Day 3 - Password enhancements

Gavin Pickin |  December 16, 2017

At Ortus Solutions, we love the holidays, and we wanted to gift you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. In this series we'll be giving you 12 ContentBox tips. Keep your eye out for other 12 tips of Christmas series on our blog, including a new one this year, 12 modules of Christmas on ForgeBox.

Day 3 - Password enhancements. Security is a big deal for Ortus Solutions, and ContentBox is no different. Working with lots of customers, big and small, we run into a lot of security requirements, and we use those experiences to make ContentBox better, and passwords has had some major changes recently.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas 2017- Day 2 - server.json

Brad Wood |  December 15, 2017

Welcome back to another installment of the 12 days of (CommandBox) Christmas.  One thing I love about this season is the traditions that our family does over and over each year.  Another thing worth doing over and over the same way is staring your CommandBox servers!  That's why we have server.json-- your key to repeatable, consistent server starts.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas 2017 - Day 2 - Permission Groups

Gavin Pickin |  December 15, 2017

At Ortus Solutions, we love the holidays, and we wanted to gift you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. In this series we'll be giving you 12 ContentBox tips. Keep your eye out for other 12 tips of Christmas series on our blog, including a new one this year, 12 modules of Christmas on ForgeBox.

Day 2 - We're going to look at Permission Groups. In complex apps, managing permissions can be difficult. ContentBox has always given your Users a Role, which includes a set of permissions, and a la carte permissions. Recently, we have added Permission Groups, to allow you to assign groups of permissions to users, in addition to a singular role.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas 2017- Day 1 - Task Runners

Brad Wood |  December 14, 2017

It's that time of year again.  Trees are lit, presents are being wrapped, and relatives are coming to visit.  That's right, it's time again for the 12 days of (CommandBox) Christmas-- 2017 edition!  We'll publish one invaluable hint from today until Christmas right here on the Ortus blog.  Consider it our early Christmas gift to you.  Right, so let's get going.  Today's tip are about CommandBox task runners.  These are now the easiest and most robust way to do CLI scripting in CFML.

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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 2 — cbmailservices

Eric Peterson |  December 14, 2017

ForgeBox is your first stop for when you need some new functionality for your application, be that a utility library, an SDK, a framework, or something else. Today we'll take a look at one of the tools for helping manage sending emails — cbmailservices.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas 2017 - Day 1 - Multi Factor Authentication

Gavin Pickin |  December 14, 2017

At Ortus Solutions, we love the holidays, and we wanted to gift you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. In this series we'll be giving you 12 ContentBox tips. Keep your eye out for other 12 tips of Christmas series on our blog, including a new one this year, 12 modules of Christmas on ForgeBox.

Day 1 This is one of our biggest features for ContentBox is our two factor authentication framework. That's right, we built a two factor module framework that will allow you to build or use any two factor or multi-factor authentication mechanism. We have included one in the core which is Email verification... and already created SNS implementations for customers.

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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 1 — Hyper

Eric Peterson |  December 13, 2017

We enjoyed bringing you tips for CommandBox and ContentBox last year for the 12 days of Christmas so much that we decided to do it again! This year, I'm happy to show you 12 different modules currently hosted on ForgeBox just waiting to make your life easier. So grab a hot drink and cozy up for the 12 Tips of (ForgeBox) Christmas.

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ColdBox and TestBox Microsoft Visual Studio Code Support Released

Luis Majano |  November 29, 2017

We are very excited today to announce the immediate release of our first two extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio Code Our ColdBox Extension is very similar to our Sublime extension but better! I have to admit that VSCode is absolutely great and we have been able to not only release our collection of snippets but give you typeahead and scope recognition in this extension.

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CFSUMMIT2017 - 3 ways to test your ColdFusion API

Gavin Pickin |  November 22, 2017

CF Summit 2017 was a lot of fun, lots of new faces, and good to meet friends, old and new alike. I really enjoyed the ColdBox 2 day training, RESTFul Training Bootcamp. I also enjoyed, Pete Freitag's Hands On CFML Security Workshop. It was fun, and terrifying at the same time. My session on 3 ways to test your ColdFusion API went well, lots of interest, and lots of discussion after the class. I am sharing my slides in this post, as well as a collection of other Video Presentations from previous presentations by myself, and others, which will help build upon the information presented.

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CFSummit2017- CFConfig -- A new way to manage your ColdFusion engine config

Brad Wood |  November 20, 2017

Here is the slide deck for my talk CFConfig -- A new way to manage your ColdFusion engine config that I presented at Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2017.  

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