
FORGEBOX v4.9.0 Released

Luis Majano |  December 13, 2019

Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products to version 4.8.0. This release includes lots of fixes and some great additions for your development needs for all Editions: Community and Enterprise.

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Screencast - Using the FusionReactor Profiler to find slow code

Brad Wood |  December 05, 2019

In this tutorial, Brad Wood shows how to use FusionReactor features such as the request Profiler to identify several bottlenecks of slow code in a ColdFusion app.

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Redis Lucee v1.4.0 Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  November 06, 2019

We are very excited to bring you another release for our Redis Lucee Extension. This is a minor release and it sports quite a few updates, improvements and Lucee compatiblity updates.

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FORGEBOX v4.8.0 Released

Luis Majano |  November 06, 2019

Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products to version 4.8.0. This release includes lots of fixes and some great additions for your development needs for all Editions: Community and Enterprise.

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MongoDB Lucee v1.0.0 Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  October 08, 2019

We are very excited to bring you a new commercial product release for the Ortus Family: MongoDB Server Lucee Extension  The MongoDB Server Lucee Extension allows you to natively connect to a MongoDB Server cluster and leverage it for distributed caching, session/client storage and distribution, cluster RAM file systems, and much more. It can allow your Lucee servers to scale and extend easily by leveraging MongoDB Server as the platform of choice for session/cluster managements, NoSQL, caching and virtual file-systems.

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CommandBox Web Server Lockdown Example

Brad Wood |  October 07, 2019

More and more people are using CommandBox or our Ortus Docker containers (powered by CommandBox) for production deployments.  Commandbox uses JBoss Undertow which is very lightweight and fast, and capable of service traffic just as fast as IIS or Apache.  A lot of people ask me about running CommandBox in production and I always say it's find so long as you follow the same basic lockdown procedures you'd take on any web server.  If you have IIS or Apache sitting in front of CommandBox, most of this configuration can happen there, but for people who want drop-dead simply prod servers, here's some quick tips on locking down your CommandBox server.

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Redis Lucee v1.3.0 Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  September 30, 2019


We are very excited to bring you another release for our Redis Lucee Extension. This is a minor release and it sports quite a few updates thanks to customer feedback, especially on clients working with hosted Redis solutions that would required SSL and password authentication. We have expanded the connections to have more configuration parameters, especially if you are dealing with high traffic applications.


The Redis Lucee Extension allows you to natively connect to a Redis Server cluster and leverage it for distributed caching, session/client storage and distribution, cluster RAM file systems, and much more. It can allow your Lucee servers to scale and extend easily by leveraging Redis Server as the platform of choice for session/cluster managements, caching and virtual file-systems.

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then our Lucee Extension can help you:

  • Want to use round-robin balancing instead of sticky sessions?
  • How do you deal with session/client information when you have more than 1 server in your cluster?
  • How can I scale my Lucee servers when I am running out of RAM?
  • Do you want your users to still be logged in even if a server in my cluster dies or is restarted?
  • Do you want to have a cluster-wide file system?
  • Are you using a container based deployment and need off heap peristence?
  • Do you want to be able to cache data in a distributed and elastic fashion?
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ColdBox Security v2.0.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  September 27, 2019

We are so excited to release The ColdBox Security Module version 2.0.0. It has been quite a few years since we did a major version of our security module, but it is worth the wait. It is just easier to say we completely rewrote it in modern CFML and introduced modern Security practices, HMVC security to modules, annotation driven security and JWT token services. Never again write API security, we got you covered! We also completelty rewrote the documentation and now we have yet another awesome security book:

install cbsecurity
update cbsecurity

There are just too many things to talk about in this release, so we will just list out the major features and you can visit our docs for the complete rundown of ColdBox Security 2.0.0.


The ColdBox cbsecurity module will enhance your ColdBox applications by providing out of the box security in the form of:

  • A security rule engine for incoming requests
  • Annotation driven security for handlers and actions
  • JWT (Json Web Tokens) generator, decoder and authentication services


  • Ability to have global security rules
  • Ability for modules to add their own security rules and action overrides
  • Ability to distinguish between authentication and authorization issues
  • Annotation driven cascading security for handlers and actions
  • Security rules can exist in:
    • XML File
    • JSON File
    • Database
    • Models
  • The rules can be configured to use regular expressions or simple snippets
  • Can use ColdFusion authentication security
  • Can leverage any custom authentication provider
  • Plug any Authentication service or can leverage cbauth by default
  • Capability to distinguish between invalid authentication and invalid authorization and determine an outcome of the process.
  • Ability to load/unload security rules from contributing modules.
  • Ability for each module to define it's own validator
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CommandBox 4.8.0 Released

Brad Wood |  September 17, 2019

We're proud to announce the immediate release of CommandBox 4.8.0 which is a minor release, containing a handful of bug fixes, new features, and improvements.  You can download the new release on our product page:

Please note this release is still using Lucee 5.2 to power the CLI due to unaddressed bugs still in the 5.3 series of releases.  We are still working with LAS to get those fixed, but in the mean time, we still recommend using Java 8 for your CLI to avoid errors.

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CommandBox Screencast - Service Manager Module

Brad Wood |  September 04, 2019

In this screencast we see a demo of the new CommandBox Service Manager module running on Windows and Ubuntu Linux.

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