
Into the Box 2020 Podcast Series: Hero to Superhero with Luis Majano

Paulina Lainez |  March 11, 2020

In a previous blog post, we mentioned the Zero to Hero workshop. As some of you may have deduced given the title, this is a continuation of said workshop. This two-day advanced Hero to Superhero workshop will feature CEO of Ortus Solutions, Luis Majano. In this API edition, you will be creating an API from scratch, then you’ll secure it, you’ll leverage it, and then build a little object model. 

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Ortus Solutions’ D.C. Workshop is Cancelled Due to COVID-19 Concerns

Paulina Lainez |  March 09, 2020

Ortus Solutions took the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the D.C. workshop titled “Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications,” amidst growing concerns over coronavirus. The two-day workshop was scheduled for April 20th and 21st at the Regus in Washington, D.C. 

“While we were really looking forward to coming to D.C. this year since we were also going to attend the Adobe CF Summit East, we understand that we must be proactive and take the necessar...

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CommandBox 5.0.0 Released!

Brad Wood |  March 06, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of CommandBox 5.0.0.  This is a major release of our CLI package manager, REPL, and server tool. In this version are many library updates, new features, and bug fixes.  All in all, there were 77 tickets closed for this release.

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Into the Box 2020 Podcast Series: CF Server TroubleShooting with Charlie Arehart

Paulina Lainez |  March 06, 2020

Our Into the Box workshops are carefully selected so that you can the make the most out of your time and investment in the conference. It might be redundant to highlight the importance of this workshop since troubleshooting is a problem everyone goes through. 

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Into the Box 2020 Podcast Series: Everything You Need to Know About the Intro to BDD Workshop

Paulina Lainez |  March 03, 2020


Next up in our podcast series we have Brad Wood, who’ll lead the Intro to BDD Workshop. To begin with, let’s start by defining a few terms. BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development, which builds on top of TDD. In Brad’s words, “BDD is kind of a natural evolution of coming up with your user...

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We Need Your Help!

Paulina Lainez |  March 03, 2020

This year we have exciting, new projects under our belt and one of the first ones that was unveiled was our new Modernize or Die Podcast – Conference Edition. In order to keep our projects alive, we rely on the help of generous patreons who contribute in different ways to sustain our community and modernize CFML.

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CMD Confirmed as Gold Sponsor for Into the Box 2020

Paulina Lainez |  March 02, 2020

Into the Box has become a community of developers and interested individuals that share the same passion: excellency in what they do. As such, we are excited to announce our upcoming partnership for Into the Box 2020. This time around, we have CMD, a web-consultancy company which excels in helping clients develop amazing apps.

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Into the Box 2020 Podcast Series: Go From Zero to Hero with Gavin Pickin

Paulina Lainez |  February 28, 2020

The Conference-Edition podcast aims to provide a one-of-a-kind insight on Into the Box 2020. This episode was no exception as our host, Gavin Pickin, talked more about the famous Zero to Hero workshop. 

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TestBox v3.2.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 27, 2020

We are excited to announce a new minor release of TestBox version 3.2.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release

What's New With 3.2.0

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Into the Box 2020 Podcast Series: Intro to Quick ORM Workshop with Eric Peterson

Paulina Lainez |  February 27, 2020

For the first time in Into the Box history, we will have a workshop dedicated to Quick ORM. In this Conference Edition episode, we talk with Eric Peterson, Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions and creator of Quick.

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