
Box Products Get Complete Makeover!

Paulina Lainez |  April 01, 2020

At Ortus, our motto has always been Modernize Or Die. We abide by what we preach, so this decision was not taken lightly. After extensive market research and expert consultation, we have decided to change the names of some of our most popular products.  Without further ado, please find the list below of the new names:

  • ColdBox – FridgeBox 
  • TestBox – MakeItWorkBox
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What's New In CommandBox 5 - Library Updates

Brad Wood |  March 31, 2020

Learn about the new libraries in CommandBox and how to determine the current version of Lucee that your CLI is running.


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cbSecurity 2.3 Released

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2020

We are excited to bring you another release for cbSecurity packed with security goodness: version 2.3.0. This version focuses on security contexts from ANY layer of a ColdBox application. It will also enhance your functional skills as well, as it introduces some nice semantics for securing your code.

# Install
# install cbsecurity

# Update
update cbsecurity
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6 Fun Things to Do at Home

Paulina Lainez |  March 24, 2020

Making the most out of our time at home may mean finally doing many things you wished you’ve done. To combat boredom, we have compiled a list of fun things to do while staying in. 

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Into the Box 2020 is Going Virtual!

Paulina Lainez |  March 20, 2020

Ortus Solutions has been constantly monitoring the developments of COVID-19. Given health officials’ recommendations, we are taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of partners, attendees, speakers and staff. As such, we have decided to move our conference online.

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Comandbox Docker v3.0.0 Images Released

Jon Clausen |  March 18, 2020
Docker logo

We are pleased to announce the 3.0.0 release of the Commandbox Docker image. This release offers a number of improvements and optimizations for runtime usage and usage in crafting custom images for deployments.

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CommandBox 5.0.1 Released

Brad Wood |  March 17, 2020

We've released a very small patch release to CommandBox 5.0.0 which is 5.0.1 and has only 5 tickets.  Most all are related to tweaks for the new server start bash script functionality that we've been rolling into our Ortus CommandBox Docker images.

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Meet the Amazing Women Who Code at Ortus Solutions

Paulina Lainez |  March 12, 2020

In honor of International’s Women’s Day, we wanted you all to meet our exceptional team of women coders. While we are grateful for them and their work every day, we wanted to highlight how essential they are for the success of our company.  We started by asking them a few questions. As I compiled their stories, a common theme emerged, that being how happy they are doing what they love.

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ContentBox Docker Image 5.0.0 Released

Luis Majano |  March 12, 2020

ContentBox + Docker

We are pleased to announce a major release of the official ContentBox Docker image. It now ships with the latest CommandBox image as well and sports a much more detailed versioning strategy:


This will allow you to visualize that each ContentBox version can be paired with new image versions. This will also allow for rollbacks and rolling upgrades if necessary; all following semantic versioning. So let's dig in to this release!

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Lucee Server Snapshots and "Light" builds on ForgeBox

Brad Wood |  March 11, 2020

We've been publishing all stable Lucee builds and select release candidate builds to ForgeBox for some time now.  This allows you to use CommandBox CLI to start up a Lucee server running the version of your choice.

server start cfengine=lucee@

Publishing these CF engines has been a manual process in the past, and was something we'd do after Lucee issued a release announcement.  This has changed last week now with three major additions to our process aimed at giving you faster builds, easier testing, and more deployment options.

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