ColdBox Connection Recording: ColdBox Modules
Just a reminder that our ColdBox Connection Show continues this Thursday at 9 AM PST! Curt Gratz will be presenting on ColdBox Modules and of course we will all be there for questions and h...
Here is a cool new update for ColdBox Relax - RESTful Tools For Lazy Experts! This update fixes a few issues reported and also enhances the Relaxer console and updates its ability to support definitions for multiple tiers and much more. So download it now!
Here are the closed issues for this release:
I am glad to announce WireBox 1.1.0 to the ColdFusion community. We have definitely received tremendous feedback on WireBox and have been able to complete this release based on great feedback and over 15,000 downloads since its release February 21st. For those o...
This video shows the basics of setting up a "Binder" with WireBox and how to setup mappings and alias using the WireBox DSL for super simple dependency injection that is easy to read.
WireBox Binder and Configuration Introduction... from Curt Gratz on Vimeo.
Again, this is not even scratching the surface of what the binder in WireBox can do. Below are some other simple changes you could make to the binder or ways you could do injection
So this line
Could change to
.initArg(name="",ref="daoPath") //refpoints to an id directly
as one possible alternative, so if we wanted, we could remove the .initArg and do it via annotations
function init(required daoPath inject) or
function init(required daoPath inject="id") or
function init(required daoPath inject="id:daoPath")
So, as you can see, you can do your injections a variety of ways. Now, go, read the docs, and install WireBox and get wiring your model up the easy way.
This video shows how to download and install the WireBox framework and offers super simple example of dependency injection using WireBox without any configuration or messy XML.
WireBox Installation and Introduction... from Curt Gratz on Vimeo.
Again, this is not even scratching the surface of what WireBox can do, but I wanted to get you started and thinking. More screencasts will be following to help you go deeper into how WireBox can help you in your development.
Now, go, read the docs, and install WireBox and get wiring your model up the easy way.
A few folks have asked how you can leverage MXUnit and MockBox to mock a super class class. Here is a simple example to showcase this:
Class Parent A
<cfcomponent name="A"> <!--- send ---> <cffunction access="public" hint="" name="send" output="false" returntype="any"> <cfreturn parent=""> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
Class Parent B