
ColdBox 3.5.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 02, 2012


We are proud to announce yet another ColdBox Platform release version 3.5.2. This is an important patch release that addresses many concurrency issues and gives you stability and of course some goodies. This release also encompasses a new WireBox release (v1.5.0) and a new CacheBo release (v1.3.2). ...

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CacheBox 1.3.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 02, 2012


We are proud to announce CacheBox version 1.3.2. This is an important patch release that we recommend all customers to upgrade to. There are no compatiblity issues and it contains many fixes especially to our JDBC object stores. You can read our What's new with CacheBox ...

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WireBox 1.5.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 02, 2012


We are proud to announce WireBox version 1.5.0. This is minor release that brings you great stability and concurrency when building and mapping objects, but also some cool new features. You can read in detail about this release in our What's new with WireBox 1.5.0.

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CBDW 2012: Thanks For Making it a Success

Brad Wood |  August 01, 2012

Our first ColdBox Developer Week is over and we're very pleased with the turn out.  We had 195 people register from the US, Canada, Brazil, all over Europe, Russia, India, and Australia!  We are looking foward to doing this again next year and welcome any feedback on how we can improve.

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Tip Of The Week: Using ColdFusion's EHCache with CacheBox

Brad Wood |  August 01, 2012

Trying to decide whether to use ColdFusion's EHCache implemention or CacheBox? You don't have to choose one or the other! CacheBox is a cache aggregator, which means it lets you use the same standard API to interact with any number of different cache providers-- including EHCache. 

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CBDW Featured Session: MultiLingual (i18N) Solutions in ColdBox Platform

Brad Wood |  July 17, 2012

There's only 1 week left before ColdBox Developer Week delivers a solid week of online ColdBox-related CFML training.  We have 15 different sessions lined up and the one I'd like to feature today is "MultiLingual (i18N) Solutions in ColdBox Platform" by Oguz Demirkapi.  This session will be held at 3pm CST on Tuesday, July 24th.

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Tip of the Week: Using Rewrites to Clean Up Your URLs

Brad Wood |  July 17, 2012


The typical ColdBox application always has "index.cfm" somewhere in each URL.  This is required so the web server knows to have your CFML application server process the request.  With the SES intereceptor you can eliminate the query string, but do you wonder how some websites get away with no file at all for super pretty URLs like
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Tip of the Week: View Caching

Brad Wood |  July 10, 2012
Do you have slow views whose output rarely or never changes? You can get an easy boost in performance by caching those views so they are not re-rendered on every request.

The following code shows two ways to cache the output from a view for a given number of minutes.
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The Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Excited About the Month of August

Luis Majano |  July 09, 2012

The month of August has us excited and here are 3 reasons why it should have you excited too!

Reason #1:  RIACON 2012

Rich Internet Applications Conference - Washington DC

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CBDW Featured Session: Seamless ColdBox-Powered Rich Internet Applications

Brad Wood |  July 08, 2012

There's 2 weeks left before ColdBox Developer Week delivers a solid week of online ColdBox-related CFML training.  We have 15 different sessions lined up and the one I'd like to feature today is "Seamless ColdBox-Powered Rich Internet Applications" by Phill Nacelli.  This session will be held at 1pm CST on Thursday, July 26th.

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