
Unlock the Power of REST APIs with ColdBox!

Maria Jose Herrera August 05, 2024

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Maria Jose Herrera

August 05, 2024

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Rest API - Overview

Rest API ColdBox

REST APIs have been a game-changer for modern web development. They provide a straightforward way to create HTTP endpoints, acting as web services for third-party applications or internal systems. Unlike protocols such as SOAP or XML-RPC, REST is more straightforward and less verbose, making it ideal for efficient and effective communication.

ColdBox Rest API

Key Benefits

Rest API Benefits
  • Simplicity: REST APIs are easy to understand and implement, making them accessible to developers of all skill levels. They are highly documentable using standards like OpenAPI.
  • Efficiency: With less overhead, REST APIs are faster and more responsive, especially JSON-based ones.
  • Flexibility: REST allows for various data formats (JSON, XML, etc.), allowing you to choose what works best for your application. However, JSON is the de facto standard.

Why ColdBox?

ColdBox Rest API Benefits

ColdBox provides a comprehensive framework for building robust REST APIs for more than 10 years now. It includes everything you need, from routing and headers to basic authentication and data handling. With ColdBox, you can quickly set up your API and deliver high-quality web services.

Master Rest API

ColdBox Rest API - Takeaways

ColdBox Rest API Takeaways
  • Building RESTful endpoints using ColdBox

You can easily use our expressive URL router to create any imaginable endpoint:

// Define a route and its actions explicitly
route( "/api/user/:userID" )
        GET    = 'index',
        POST   = 'save',
        PUT    = 'update',
        DELETE = 'delete'
    .toHandler(. "api.user" );
 // Define a RESTFul endpoint by convention

 apiResources( "users" );

  • Understanding REST principles and best practices

    // Basic RESTful endpoint example
    component {
        function index( event, rc, prc ) {
            return userService
    	        .getUser( rc.userID )

  • Implementing authentication and security measures

    // Basic authentication example
    component {
        function onRequestStart( event, rc, prc ) {
            if (!securityService.isAuthenticated()) {
                event.renderData(type="json", data={message: "Unauthorized"}, statusCode=401);
                return false;

  • Handling different data formats and responses

    // Returning data with auto-marshalling
    component {
        function index(event, rc, prc) {
            return userService.getUserList();

Master your ColdBox Rest API!

Are you finding it hard to build REST APIs? Do you want to improve your ColdBox REST API skills and include them in your projects? If so, this is your sign to join us at our 2-day ColdBox REST API workshop before Adobe CFSummit 2024. From September 28-29, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Take advantage of personalized training with real-world challenges and focus on solving the challenges you face in your projects. Register now and start building your own RESTful services with confidence. Limited Seats are available

Register Now

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