
Gavin Pickin

December 15, 2022

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It's that time of year again. Trees are lit, presents are being wrapped, and relatives are coming to visit. That's right, it's time again for the 12 days of Christmas-- 2022 ITB Video Release Edition! 

Today, Day 6's Videos from Into the Box 2022 Conference, 3 sessions related to ContentBox. Getting started with ContentBox 101, Headless CMS and then deploying to the cloud.

For the next 12 business days up until Christmas, we'll be releasing a series of related videos each day on the CFCasts site for our Paid and Unpaid CFCasts Subscribers, and a announcement with titles, descriptions, and links to the videos, right here on the Ortus blog. Consider it our early Christmas gift to you.

We were planning on releasing the videos on Dec 24th, but we couldn't wait any longer.

Todays Videos

3 sessions related to ContentBox. Getting started with ContentBox 101, Headless CMS and then deploying to the cloud.

Daniel Garcia - ContentBox 101

This session will give you an introduction to ContentBox CMS, what it is, what can you do with it, and why you should consider ContentBox for your next ColdFusion/CFML project. ContentBox is a professional open source (Apache 2 License) modular content management engine that allows you to easily build websites, blogs, wikis, complex web applications, and RESTFul web services. It can also be used as a full Headless CMS or a hybrid CMS. Built with a secure and flexible modular core, designed to scale, and combined with world-class support, ContentBox will get your projects out the door in no time. ContentBox CMS can be deployed to any ColdFusion/CFML engine or any Java Servlet Container.

Esmeralda Acevedo and Javier Quintero - Off with their heads - ContentBox 5 - Headless CMS

ContentBox is a Headless CMS, which means the admin can live on it's own, and you can create your own site, accessing the data via API. This session explains Headless CMS and shows it in action.

George Murphy - Configure ContentBox 5 In the Cloud the easy way

We have a new way to easily deploy ContentBox 5 with Environment Variables. How cool is that? We will use Cloud Formation to quickly create an Ortus AMI and have it running very in a very short amount of time. This presentation is for the beginner or intermediate user.

Check out the ITB Recap here

All the video will be added to this Series

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