
Gavin Pickin

December 09, 2022

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It's that time of year again. Trees are lit, presents are being wrapped, and relatives are coming to visit. That's right, it's time again for the 12 days of Christmas-- 2022 ITB Video Release Edition! 

Today, Day 2's Videos from Into the Box 2022 Conference, are all newly announced modules.

For the next 12 business days up until Christmas, we'll be releasing a series of related videos each day on the CFCasts site for our CFCasts Subscribers, and a announcement with titles, descriptions, and links to the videos, right here on the Ortus blog. Consider it our early Christmas gift to you.

EDIT: We talked about it, and we felt bad, we didn't have anything for our unpaid subscribers, so now, we're releasing one of the videos each day, as free, so everyone can enjoy a taste of Christmas.

We were planning on releasing the videos on Dec 24th, but we couldn't wait any longer.

Todays Videos

5 of the hottest new modules from the Ortus team, announced for the first time at Into the Box.

Jon Clausen - cbCommerce - A flexible, modular e-commerce solution.

In this session, you'll learn about a full featured e-commerce module from Ortus Solutions, cbCommerce. cbCommerce is built with Enterprise e-Commerce in mind and it uses ContentBox modularity to allow non-technical users to manage inventory and pricing. Additionally, it has built-in support for shipping, sales tax/VAT, event and inventory lifecycle pricing and multiple payment processor support.

Eric Peterson - cbq — Jobs and Tasks in the Background.

Many actions in our applications need to happen in the background. This could be because the job takes a long time, for a snappier user experience, for visibility into what jobs are running, working with websockets, or because another system processes the jobs. Message Queues are an ideal tool for this job, but setting them up hasn't always been easy. cbq aims to make this easier for you by providing a protocol-based interface to multiple queue backends including the ColdBox Async engine, databases, and RabbitMQ. Learn how to set up a queue and see the benefits it brings to your application.

Eric Peterson - cbPlaywright — End-to-End Tests with Playwright and TestBox.

Playwright is end-to-end testing tool by Microsoft. It can be used to simulate a browser visiting your website like Selenium and Cypress. The real fun for us comes from the Java SDK for Playwright which we can use to run Playwright from our TestBox tests! In this session you will learn how to get started testing your website end-to-end with Playwright and TestBox.

Michael Born - Meilisearch: A Search Platform for the Rest of Us

Meilisearch is a lightweight, lightning-fast search platform which offers a full-text search experience for smaller websites and applications. In this session, Michael Born will be demoing Meilisearch capabilities, integrating a ColdBox app with Meilisearch, and showing us how we can benefit from Meilisearch's zero-config, minimal-fuss approach to the complex world of fuzzy search.

Luis Majano - Grant Copley - cbfs Abstract Extend Integrate Any File System.

cbfs is short for ColdBox File System. It is an abstraction API to help you integrate with any file system, from S3, Local, SFTP, Ram, Mocks, and much more. Built to be fluent and human friendly, working with file systems via cbfs will give your applications the ability to abstract, extend and integrate with ANY file system.

Check out the ITB Recap here

All the video will be added to this Series

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