
Luis Majano

June 16, 2021

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We are excited to announce a new minor version release of TestBox version 4.4.x. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox.

This update has tons of fixes and some minor updates to help you in your testing journeys!

You can avoid installing testbox in production by using the `install --production` CommandBox command.

Release Notes


  • TESTBOX-320 Runner tries to instantiate abstract classes
  • TESTBOX-319 Fix HTTP Status Headers Being Removed By Reporters when resetting html head
  • TESTBOX-318 Chaining "not" matchers before regular matchers doesn't work correctly
  • TESTBOX-316 Coverage output doesn't escape ending script tag
  • TESTBOX-315 ConsoleReporter fails with missing functions in assets/text
  • TESTBOX-313 No matching function [SPACE] found
  • TESTBOX-311 CF error variable [THISBUNDLE] doesn't exist when running tests


  • TESTBOX-317 Full Null Support Some items of array can be NULL
  • TESTBOX-314 text and min text whitespace management
  • TESTBOX-301 notToBeBetween seems to be the same as toBeBetween

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