
Luis Majano

April 29, 2020

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We are excited to announce a major version release of TestBox version 4.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release:


What's New With 4.0.0

TestBox 4.0.0 is a major release. It has compatibility changes that you should be aware of and lots of good features!



The major compatibility issues are the engine support removals:

  • Lucee 4.5 Support Dropped
  • Adobe ColdFusion 11 Dropped


It is easy to update, just type update testbox and you are done!


Major Features


TestBox Output Utilities

Sometimes you need to dump something that is in the CFC you are testing or maybe an asynchronous test. The debug() method is only accessible from your test bundle, so getting to the TestBox output utilities is not easy. We have now implemented the testing utilities into the request scope as request.testbox

This utility struct provides you with the following methods:

console()Send output to the console
debug()Send output to the TestBox reporter debugger
clearDebugBuffer()Clear the debugger
print()Send output to the ColdFusion output buffer
printLn()Same as print() but adding a <br> separator

This way in your code you can add them for better debugging, especially when testing async code:

request.testbox.console( "I am here" )
request.testbox.debug( "why is this not running" )

Mocking Data

We have included MockDataCFC as a dependency to TestBox 4. This will allow you to mock not only objects but data as well. You can access the mocking method via the new mockData() method in all your specs. This feature is a life-saver when mocking APIs or data within your applications.

# Array of objects
var data = mockData(
    $num = 3,
    "author" = "name",
    "id" = "uuid"

# An object
var data = mockData(
    $returnType = "struct",
    "author" = "name",
    "id" = "uuid"

Let's imagine the following object graph:

    Has Many Books
        Has Many Categories
    Has Keywords
    Has A Publisher

I can then use this mocking DSL to define it:

    fullName    = "name",
    description = "sentence",
    age         = "age",
    id          = "uuid",
    createdDate = "datetime",
    isActive	= "oneof:true:  false",

    // one to many complex object definitions
    books = [
            $num = "rand:1:         3",
            "id" = "uuid",
            "title" = "words:1:         5",
            "categories" = {
                "$num"      = "2",
                "id"        = "uuid",
                "category"  = "words"

    // object definition
    publisher = {
        "id" 	= "uuid",
        "name" 	= "sentence"

    // array of values
    keywords = [
            "$num" 	= "rand:1:         10",
            "$type" = "words"

More information here:


Release Notes



  • [TESTBOX-275] - Exception in beforeTests/afterTests not reported in a meaningful way on the ANT Junit Reporter
  • [TESTBOX-278] - Fix the coverage % in HTML visualizer

New Features

  • [TESTBOX-274] - New testbox output utilities struct: request.testbox
  • [TESTBOX-276] - MockdataCFC is now a first class module in TestBox
  • [TESTBOX-277] - New mockData() method in your base specs so you can mock any type of data
  • [TESTBOX-280] - Add cfconfig.json for controlling output and consistency between testing in diff engines


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