We are excited to release our new patreon levels and rewards over at !
At Ortus Solutions we are known for building open source projects for the ColdFusion (CFML) community such as ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox Modular CMS, ForgeBox and many more. All of those products are licensed under the Apache 2 license and are completely FREE to use and extend.
However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for all projects is not sustainable without proper financial backing. This is where you can come in and help support Ortus Open Source Software by pledging on Patreon. We have completely revamped all our patreon levels and refreshed all the rewards for those that share and give!
In a recent study done by Harvard University, it was proven that the act of giving and generosity would ensue happiness! Don't beleive me, check this article out: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2008/04/money-spent-on-others-can-buy-happiness/. So actually supporting our Open Source Initiatives will bring you happiness!
If you run a business and are using Ortus Open Source software in a revenue generating product or service, it makes sense to sponsor Ortus Open Source Software development: it ensures the project that your product/services use stays healthy and actively maintained. If you are an individual user and have enjoyed the productivity of our Open Source Software tools, consider donating as a sign of appreciation.
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