
Luis Majano

October 05, 2009

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We always are trying to help the ColdFusion community as much as we can.  We had a CFC best practices document in our ColdBox documentation site in order to steer developers in the right direction when building components.  I have updated the document to now include more topics than just CFCs.  So if you are interested in collaborating to this document or think some points are useless, please comment and we can make this document better.

So here are our ColdFusion Development Best Practices document:

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Oct 06, 2009 03:20:57 UTC

by dickbob

Some interesting thoughts although you'll never get *everyone* to agree with *all* of them :-) It might be nice to include some justification to the reccomendations. For example I understand but don't like... len() doesn't return a boolean. Discuss...

Oct 06, 2009 06:41:46 UTC

by Peter Boughton

Heh, I haven't even got past the first screen, and I already disagree with half of it! The only one I'll explicitly state here is that "regex" is significantly more common (and less typing) than "regexp".

Oct 06, 2009 07:29:10 UTC

by Tony Garcia

I use code like all the time. It's just shorter than writing And the intent of the code is very clear to me. I'm not hung up on that len() doesn't return a boolean (even though it acts like it does), since CF is loosely typed anyway. I think a lof of these types of things just come down to personal preferences. The important thing is that you should have standard coding practices (whatever they may be) and stick to them.

Oct 06, 2009 09:21:08 UTC

by dickbob

@Tony - Be careful you don't end up on Sean's DNH list :-) From his "ColdFusion MX Coding Guidelines - Good Practice" doc he says "...don't rely on implicit conversions from numeric types to boolean". But you're right, it's a personal style thing and any standard is better than none.

Oct 06, 2009 11:23:43 UTC

by Tony Garcia

@dickbob Yikes! I'll try to be careful. Thanks for the heads up! ;-)

Mar 25, 2019 02:23:25 UTC

by Enterprise Software Solutions

Your post was very nicely written, Thank you.

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