
Ortus Solutions | A Year in Review 2023

Maria Jose Herrera December 28, 2023

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Maria Jose Herrera

December 28, 2023

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"A Recap of Transformative Product Updates, New Services, and Community Engagement Initiatives"

As we reflect on the passing year, Ortus Solutions is grateful for the continued partnership and collaborative spirit that has defined our journey in 2023. This year has been a testament to the power of innovation, shared success, and the incredible community surrounding us. Join us in recapping the significant milestones and exciting developments shaping our year.

Major Product Updates and Releases

Thanks to the unwavering support from our Patreon community, Ortus Solutions has rolled out transformative updates across our product suite, empowering developers to elevate their projects and skillsets. Here's a snapshot of the highlights, along with some rave reviews from our community:

CommandBox 5.9.1 | Elevate your development workflow with a versatile Windows, Mac, and Linux CLI tool. Seamlessly manage packages, interact with tools, and enjoy built-in help, all integrated with ForgeBox for global module sharing. Our Pro version allows you to get focused support and assistance. CommandBox Pro

  • Lucee Update: Includes critical security patches. Details.
  • Bundled JRE: Updated to 11.0.20+8 for improved performance.

CommandBox 5.9.1

ContentBox v6.0 | Manage content easily and deliver it to any device. ContentBox is a powerful open-source headless CMS. 100% fully Customizable.

  • CLI Revamp: ContentBox CLI enhanced with CommandBox for improved functionality.
  • ColdBox 7 Core Upgrade: Modern web development features and optimizations.
  • Security Boost with CBSecurity 3: Fortified rule engine, firewall visualizer, and more.
  • ORM Lucee Extension: Introduces Hibernate support for speed improvements.
  • Efficient Content Creation: Content templates and domain aliases streamline processes.
  • Migrations Simplified: Source-controlled migrations for smoother upgrades.
  • CORS Module for Headless Communication: Facilitates API deployment seamlessly.
  • Enhanced Content Editing: Focus mode for distraction-free editing.
  • Improved Media Management: CBFS-powered media manager for performance.
  • Revamped Menu Manager: Simplifies menu content creation.
  • SEO Optimization: Automatic redirects for SEO visibility.

CommandBox v6.0

Coldbox v7.2.0 | Elevate your CFML development with ColdBox, a powerful MVC framework offering seamless organization, intuitive structure, and rapid development capabilities for modern web applications.

  • SchemaInfo Helper: Simplifies database schema tasks, like existence checks and retrieval.
  • Async allApply() Error Handling: Supports error handling during asynchronous operations.
  • Scheduled Task Groups: Categorization for better organization.
  • everySecond() Period Shortcut: Introduces a new period shortcut for tasks.
  • Optional ColdBox Class for Task Results: Adds flexibility in handling task results.
  • DateTimeHelper Updates: Various new methods for improved date and time handling.
  • WireBox AOP Auto Mixer: Automatic aspect detection for WireBox.
  • CacheBox and LogBox Updates: Struct Literal Config updates for simplified configuration.

ColdBox v7.2.0

Ortus ORM Extension v6.4.0 | Enhances your Lucee CFML app with native Hibernate ORM support. Interact with database records in an object-oriented way, using components for records and simple getters/setters for field values.

  • Security Fix: Addresses Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability.
  • New Feature: Introduces ORMQueryExecute() for enhanced method name consistency.
  • Bug Fixes: Named argument support, custom Hibernate configuration fixes.
  • Custom Hibernate Configuration: Improved functionality with ormSettings.ormConfig.
  • Other Improvements: Enhanced useDBforMapping implementation.

Ortus ORM Extension v6.4.0

ForgeBox v7.7 | ForgeBox is the package repository and software directory for ColdFusion (CFML). Just leverage CommandBox CLI to contribute to this directory and build excellent reusable code.

  • Yearly Download Trends Chart: Visualize your package's popularity over the last year, gaining valuable insights.
  • Version-Specific Weekly Downloads: Analyze detailed trends by selecting a specific version, revealing weekly download data.
  • Personalized Package Insights: Registered users see installation history, adding a customized touch to the ForgeBox experience.
  • Total Installs for Each Version: Simplify version management by quickly identifying popular and stable versions.
  • Advanced Version Searching: Precise version search with semantic capabilities for accurate results.
  • Bug Fixes and UI Enhancements: Ensures a smoother experience with improved UI and bug fixes.
  • Release Notes: Explore the full release notes here.

ForgeBox v7.7

CBWire 3.1 | CBWIRE is a ColdBox module that helps you build modern, reactive CFML applications in record time - without using much JavaScript or building backend APIs. Become a web development hero with CBWIRE!

  • AutoInjectAssets: Simplifies development by automatically handling asset injection.
  • New Lifecycle Hooks: Introduces onUpdate() and onUpdateProperty() for event-driven programming.
  • Unified UDF Access: Custom UDFs, like those in ApplicationHelper.cfm, are now accessible across component templates.
  • Improved Single-File Components: Enables caching for single-file components, boosting UI rendering speed.
  • Bug Fixes: Resolves issues with child component rendering and HTML comments causing rendering problems.

CBWire v3.1

These updates represent our commitment to providing cutting-edge tools that facilitate the creation of modern apps, and we're thrilled to witness the positive impact they've had on the development community.

Big Shoutout to our Patreons for supporting our Open-source products and helping us keep building robust tools to develop high-quality projects with excellent results

Ortus Supporters 2023

Top Services and Support:

In our ongoing effort to cater to the diverse needs of our users, Ortus Solutions expanded its offerings to improve our services and support in 2023. Whether you're seeking reliable hosting solutions, specialized government support, or expert UX/UI design, we've got you covered.

  • Hosting: High-performance CFML hosting with a fully dedicated team. Our hosting services provide all the benefits you need without the added cost of unnecessary licenses.
  • Government Support: Ortus Solutions is your trusted government contractor. Ortus is a distinguished web development firm showcasing expertise and a formidable track record serving government agencies and private enterprises.
  • UX/UI Design: We offer architecture and design services for your next big project.

These services complement your projects and enhance your overall experience with Ortus Solutions.

2023 Recap Event Highlights:

Our engagement with the global developer community continued to thrive through various events we held or sponsored across continents. Ortus Solutions was honored to participate in key events that enhance learning, networking, and exchanging ideas. Here are some event highlights you can’t miss:


  • CFSummit - ColdBox from Zero to Hero (After CFSummit 2023)
  • Into the Box 2023
  • CFSummit East (Coldfusion MVC for Dummies)


  • Into the Box Latam

EUROPE - Sponsorships

  • CFCamp (Germany)
  • Wey Wey Web (Spain)
  • Open South Code (Spain)
  • J on the Beach (Spain)

These events allowed us to connect with developers worldwide, sharing insights and building a stronger, more vibrant community.

End-of-Year Sale and Deals

As a token of appreciation for your continuous support, Ortus Solutions is delighted to announce our end-of-year sales and exclusive deals. Take advantage of special offers enabling you to kickstart the upcoming year with enhanced tools and resources.

In conclusion, 2023 has been a year of growth, collaboration, and shared success for Ortus Solutions. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, our valued community, as we strive to provide top-notch solutions for your web app development needs. Here's to an even more remarkable 2024!

Ortus EOY Deals

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