
Ortus Developer Week 2016 - Our Schedule is Live Now!

Jorge Reyes November 01, 2016

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Jorge Reyes

November 01, 2016

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Ortus Developer Week
November 14-18, 2016

5 days, 20 Live Sessions


Register for Free now!

ODW version 5.0

Ortus Developer Week is taking place for the 5th year in a row! A FREE Training week dedicated to all of you developers that are eager to learn more and update your skills. Register and join 300+ developers taking part of this great event.

Our Schedule is Now Live!

  1. Going Static
  2. Modelling, Documenting and Building RESTful Services
  3. Meet the Box Family
  4. Scaling the Backend Data Tier without Application changes
  5. Code Coverage for ColdFusion (CFML)
  6. Testing Automation
  7. Integrated: A TestBox package for even better Integration test in ColdBox
  8. Conquer the UI with Vue.js and ColdBox
  9. Distributed CFML servers with messaging (RabbitMQ)
  10. RESTful APIs using *Box Products
  11. ColdBox Elixir Deep Dive
  12. Market Automation for ColdBox / ContentBox Developers
  13. CommandBox Deep Dive
  14. ContentBox CMS Deep Dive
  15. Scalable Realtime Microservices with Kubernetes and gRPC
  16. Accelerating Your Web Applications with NGNIX
  17. Realtime Web Sockets
  18. CFCouchbase 2.0 + N1QL
  19. Even More HTML5
  20. Three (3) Things You Should Know When Deploying Apps in AWS
Check out Speakers & Sessions Here!

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