
Brad Wood

February 18, 2019

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We've updated ForgeBox to have new updaters for the following Adobe ColdFusion versions:

  • ColdFusion 2018 Update 2 - 2018.0.02+313961
  • ColdFusion 2016 Update 8 - 2016.0.08+313934
  • ColdFusion 11 Update 16 - 11.0.16+313933

Thanks to Jon Clausen as usual for getting this assembled.  For anyone using CommandBox cfengine like

CommandBox> server start cfengine=adobe@2016

you will automatically get the newest update the next time you restart your server.  However, please note this latest round of updates from Adobe have some serious known issues!  Please be very careful testing this release and make sure you backup your configuration with CFConfig first!

CommandBox> cfconfig export .cfconfig.json

Some of the known issues include breaking uses of queryExecute() as well as deleting all of your scheduled tasks upon upgrade.  Ouch.  Pete Frietag has compiled a list of the known issues here.  Please review them before trying the new updates:

Careful applying CF11u16, CF2016u8, CF2018u2

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