
Brad Wood

July 26, 2013

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Today the Ortus Solutions blog is starting a new series on how to leverage Couchbase NoSQL from ColdFusion and also releasing some great new products under the Ortus stack throughout our series.  We'll being showing how to install Couchbase as well as tools for using it in your CFML applications.

Caching is an important layer in today's applications that require high availability in clustered and standalone environments alike.  Caching demands require fast performance, lots of storage, and the ability to scale horizontally so your cache infrastructure can grow with your needs.  We take caching seriously which is why we've built tools like CacheBox which is not only a caching engine, but an aggregator and API for other cache systems.  In-process caches, which run on the JVM alongside your application and share the same heap space, are convenient and easy to set up, but they have many limitations when it comes to scalability and redundancy. 

This is why we've spent time learning about other out-of-process and distributed caching strategies and have been working with Couchbase for a while now.  Even though, Couchbase is in itself a NoSQL Database, it is also an amalgamation of CouchDB and Memcached on steroids with clustering, replication and distributed capabilities.

To read the full post, please click here to view it on the Ortus blog.

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