
Gavin Pickin

January 21, 2020

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2020-01-21 Weekly News - Episode 37

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Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Eric Peterson - Main Module Man for Ortus Solutions

News and Events

CF Summit East 2020 Announced

1 Day Complimentary Conference Wednesday, April 22, 2020
1 Day Post Conference Workshop for the ColdFusion Specialist Certification
More in Conferences section.

Update on CF Camp Dates - CFCamp cannot take place in May/June

Tweet from Michael Hnat - #CFCamp cannot take place in May/June as Wales has qualified for the UEFA European Championship. As a result, 3 football matches will be held in Munich and the room rates have more than doubled. So we will stay for autumn this year. #webdev

Ortus Announced PRE CF Summit East Workshops
More in Conferences section.

ITB 2020 Call for Speakers is Closed

Hope you didn’t miss out.
We had 138 submissions, and only a dozen were from Nolan. We had lots of great content, CFML, Docker, DevOps, Cloud, Javascript, Testing, Cloud HTML/CSS + Accessibility, and lots of Soft Skills talks.
These submissions are in addition to all the content Ortus will present on.

CF Summit - Las Vegas 2019 - More Videos being released on Youtube/Facebook

Playlist - 19 Videos so far!!!


ICYMI: Webinar - ColdFusion for the Next Decade – All about the Buzzworthy ColdFusion 2020

January 16th, 2020 - Presented by Rakshith Naresh - Product Manager for ColdFusion and Captivate Prime Content Catalog
One of the reasons for ColdFusion’s success right from its inception is that the platform has been able to pivot at regular intervals to remain relevant for the future. There are very few technologies that have managed to stay in the game for so long and that is something all of us in the community are proud of. ColdFusion 2020, slated to be released next year, is going one such pivotal release in the history of ColdFusion. The vision for ColdFusion 2020 goes like this:
“To be the modernized platform of choice for building cloud-native microservice applications with absolute focus on ease of use without getting locked to a particular cloud vendor (multi-cloud).”
Attend this session as the Product Manager for ColdFusion unravels every piece of ColdFusion 2020 that leads to the overarching vision.
Watch the Recording:
Rakshith asked for names for ACF 2020 - so I gave him my thought.
@rakshithn maybe we should call @coldfusion 2020 #hindsight :P
We have learned from history and made it modular and small and fast - thoughts @bdw429s @ortussolutions #cfml #coldfusion name acf2020

Adobe CF Prerelease Survey and Sign-up

You can still sign up here:

CF Live Coding

Michael Born and Gavin are working on a live coding series, where they are going to build a ForgeBox package, to let you participate in the Monthly code challenge. Follow along and see how they build it, pair programming, live on YouTube.
Aiming for Weekly on Wednesdays 7pm EST / 4pm PST
Michael’s YouTube channel:
January 15th Recording:


Adobe CF Summit East 2020

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm *Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cost: Complimentary
Save the date to join Adobe and Carahsoft for our interactive Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2020 to exchange ideas, inspiration, and experiences among fellow designers, developers, strategists, and thought leaders alike.
Adobe ColdFusion delivers a single platform to rapidly develop, deploy, and manage scalable, high-performing web and mobile enterprise applications — enabling agencies across the U.S. to embrace futuristic technologies with ease.


Adobe CF Summit East 2020 Workshops
Adobe - ColdFusion Specialist Certification POST Conference

Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
*Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
                 999 Ninth Street NW
                 Washington, DC 20001
Cost: $499.00 USD *early bird discount
          $699.00 USD *after February 29, 2020
Description: The Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Program is a full-day certificate classroom program, delivered by top Adobe ColdFusion experts. You will be enrolled into the course as soon as you register and will receive course instructions and prep materials two weeks prior to the on-site program date. Following the training you will complete an online assessment – upon successful completion, you will receive your Adobe ColdFusion Specialist certificate.


Ortus Solutions - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - Pre Conference

MON, APR 20, 2020, 9:00 AM – TUE, APR 21, 2020, 5:30 PM EDT
Price: $899
In this 2-day workshop you will learn how to build a secure and scalable ColdFusion MVC application. We will design a twitter like application (SoapBox) and build it using the most popular ColdFusion MVC Framework: ColdBox. We will design the client in UML and then build it using object orientation, database migrations, fluent query builders and then secure it using our rule engine: cbSecurity. We will also leverage behavior driven development (BDD) to build the entire client using a feature-test-driven approach.
Modernize your skills and applications with modern techniques and tooling.
Blog Post:
Register Now:

Into the Box 2020

May 5-8, 2020 - Texas - 2 Days of Workshops
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Call for Speakers is still open. We are always looking for lots of different content from different speakers, don’t be shy, submit something. Does not have to be related to BOX products.
Into The Box 2020 tickets are up for sale now! To thank you for your loyalty, our #SuperEarlyBird all access pass will be $200 off the original price and you can select your workshop once the schedule is published #ModernizeOrDie
Register now:
Call for Speakers: CLOSED - Announcing speakers soon
Buy 2019 Videos:

Feb 19-21 2020 ATLANTA, GA

AUSTIN, USA - MARCH 2-4, 2020

DockerCon 2020
DockerCon 2020 is scheduled for June 15-18 in Austin, Texas. This is one of the largest conferences for developers who focus on software containers.

More conferences:

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Matthew Clemente - Sizing Your Redis Cache for Sessions - A Quick Lesson Learned
Hindsight being 20/20 makes the lesson of this post appear comically obvious, but as the underlying issue took a while to track down, I thought it worth documenting. The embarrassing TLDR; is that you should make sure that your Redis cache is appropriately sized for your session data or you might end up with errors that are difficult to debug.
I imagine the general principle discussed here applies to a wide range of ColdFusion setups in which Redis serves as an external object/session cache - whether you’re using the Lucee Redis extension, Redis as an external cache for Adobe ColdFusion, or, as I’ve discussed before, the Ortus Redis Extension for Lucee.

Blog - Ortus - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - PRE CFSummit East 2020 Workshop

Blog - Ortus Solutions - Into the Box Debuts in Latin America
A digital transformation is sweeping Latin America and companies are opening up to innovate and modernize. Open-source technologies provide a framework and facilitate the move into said digital transformation. As such, El Salvador was chosen as the first city to host Into The Box LATAM.

Blog - Gavin Pickin - 30+ ForgeBox Packages of the Week from 2019 Modernize or Die® CFML News Podcast
ForgeBox is the NPM of the ColdFusion world, and with CommandBox, CFML's CLI, you can easily add new functionality to your project with a simple `box install packageName`. We decided to dedicate a portion of our CFML News Podcast to ForgeBox Modules. We had 30+ episodes in 2019, each with a ForgeBox Module, so we wanted to give you a way to see all of them in one place, so here they are.

Tweet - Michael Hnat and CFCAMP - CFCamp cannot take place in May/June
#CFCamp cannot take place in May/June as Wales has qualified for the UEFA European Championship. As a result, 3 football matches will be held in Munich and the room rates have more than doubled. So we will stay for autumn this year. #webdev

Tweet - James Moberg creating his first Github ColdFusion project today
I've created my first @github #ColdFusion project today.  In the past, I've posted short scripts to gist or simply added the code to my blog. I don't use #ColdBox, but see the benefit to posting to #Forgebox since it's #CFML-focused, has an active community & RIAForge is gone.
Nice supportive replies from Matthew Clemente and Tony Junkes

Tweet - James Moberg - CodeWars sharing blogs on ColdFusion but not supporting it
The first website that you recommend is from a #ColdFusion developer. Any chance of including #CFML on Codewars so that CF developers can challenge one another?
In response to

Blog - - The Best Personal Software Engineering Blogs
More than ever before software developers are breaking from writing code to publish personal blogs where they share their expertise and the nuances of their craft. Many do so in order to build their personal brand, while others are simply giving back to the developer community by documenting their own learnings.
The list of developer blogs you’ll find below represents the best of the best. Whether you’re stuck writing a particularly challenging bit of code or are simply looking for some inspiration from your peers, these blogs are worth having on your radar.
Including Ben Nadel!!!!!

Blog - Ben Nadel - Using A File Upload Or The Request Body To Overcome The Slow Processing Of A Large Form POST In Lucee CFML
Yesterday, I demonstrated that Lucee CFML appears to incur a request-cloning cost when spawning CFThread tags. In most circumstances, this cost is negligible. However, if the parent HTTP request is generated by a large Form POST, the cost of spawning a CFThread tag can become shockingly expensive. While discussing this issue on the Lucee CFML Dev Forum, Joe Gooch suggested that sending the content through as a File Upload may get around the "re-processing" times. A quick test proved this to be true. This literally rocked my world! So, I wanted to share the performance differential of various Form POST techniques in Lucee CFML

Blog - Ben Nadel - Lucee Appears To Incur Request-Cloning Overhead When Spawning CFThread Tags In Lucee CFML
Yesterday, we installed FusionReactor on some of our Lucee CFML servers in order to investigate curious JVM performance patterns. I'm still trying to understand what I'm seeing; but, I did notice something bizarre happening in some of the stack-traces. It looked as if the incoming HTTP Request Object was being re-processed whenever I spawned an asynchronous CFThread tag. In order to better understand the implications of this, I tried to break this out into an isolated use-case in Lucee CFML

Blog - Charlie - How to solve failing "api" URLs, in CF2016 and 11 (not a problem in CF2018)
If you're trying to run a request against CF 2016 (or perhaps 11), and the URL you're using has a path which starts with /api, you may find that the request fails to run (it may give a blank page). What gives? (It was related to the CF2016 API Manager, not CF's REST services feature.)

Blog - Gregory Alexander - Galaxie Blog Winter Update and Roadmap
Galaxie Blog is the most modern and functional open-sourced Coldfusion Blog in the world. Galaxie Blog is a free open source ColdFusion blog platform, has an HTML5 interface, and is a beautifully designed responsive site that works flawlessly on desktop or mobile.

Blog - Fusion Reactor - Guest post by Thorben Janssen - Understanding StackTraces in Java
The StackTrace is one of the key concepts in Java. It’s a call stack for the thread and lists all method calls since the start of the thread. You have probably seen its textual representation in your log file or console output. It gets printed to System.out whenever an exception is thrown and not handled by your application. The following snippet shows a typical example of such an output.

Tweet- Vicky Ryder - The official hashtag for Adobe CF Summits
@coldfusion I believe the official hash tag for Adobe CF Summit will be #ACFSummit from now on. No separation of years & locations, nor other conferences marauding the hash tag.

Tweet - Elishia Dvorak - Poll about Happy Hour or Breakfasts for Roadshows
#ColdFusion friends, Happy Hour 5-7pm or Breakfast 9-11am roadshows - which do you prefer?

Coding Challenge of the Month - January 2020

$25 For whoever completes all of our tasks to help get CFML added to CodeWars
1 - Email asking them to add CFML/ColdFusion to the list of languages on their site - cc so we know you did it.
2 - Tweet: I love @codewars but when will you be adding #cfml / #coldfusion to the list of languages #modernizeordie @ortussolutions @coldfusion
3 - Retweet other tweets to CodeWars about adding CFML to their list of languages.

Thanks to those who have already entered.


Several positions available on
Listing over 28 ColdFusion positions from 21 companies across 17 locations in 5 Countries

Full-Time - ColdFusion Architect at Rockville, MD - United States
Posted Jan 20

Full-Time - Software Engineer - Coldfusion at Pune, Maharashtra - India
Posted Jan 16

ForgeBox Module of the Week

str by Eric Peterson

A collection of string helper functions
box install str
Last Update: Feb 04 2019 10:27 AM | Installs: 3,265 | Views: 901 | Versions: 4

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Cloak by John Papa

Cloak hides/shows your secrets in environment files, to avoid accidentally sharing them with everyone who sees your screen.
Cloak can be useful if you:
- present on stage
- stream on Twitch or YouTube
- record screencasts of your code

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

Andrew  Davis
Brian  White
Carl  Von Stetten
Da Li
Dan  Card
Daniel Garcia
David  Belanger
Didier  Lesnicki
Don  Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary  Knight
Jan  Jannek
Jeremy Adams
John  Farrar
Jordan Clark
Joseph  Lamoree
Laksma  Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Richard  Herbert
Samuel  Knowlton
Scott Steinbeck
Yogesh  Mathur

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

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Recent Entries

Ortus Monthly Recap - Jan/Feb

Ortus Monthly Recap - Jan/Feb

Ortus Solutions is kicking off 2025 with major milestones, from the highly anticipated Into the Box 2025 to groundbreaking advancements in BoxLang and key industry event appearances at Jfokus and DevNexus 2025. With new product releases, enhanced compatibility, and exclusive discounts, we’re equipping developers with the tools they need to build faster, smarter, and more efficiently.Let’s dive into the latest updates shaping the future of modern web development!

Maria Jose Herrera
Maria Jose Herrera
March 07, 2025
BoxLang 1.0.0 RC2 Launched

BoxLang 1.0.0 RC2 Launched

We’re entering the final stretch of our pre-releases, and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce RC2! 🚀 This release marks a major leap in performance and compatibility, the result of over six months of intensive development. Beyond enhanced stability and seamless integration, RC2 delivers game-changing performance optimizations that push the boundaries of efficiency. Get ready for our fastest, most refined release yet!

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Luis Majano
March 05, 2025
Building a Web App with BoxLang!

Building a Web App with BoxLang!

Building a Web App with BoxLang: A Hands-On Experience by Raymond Camden

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Maria Jose Herrera
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