
Luis Majano

June 15, 2022

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I am very excited to announce the support for the Mailgun email delivery service in our ColdBox Mail Services module (cbmailservices) thanks to Scott Steinbeck.

What is Mailgun

Mailgun is an email delivery service for sending, receiving, and tracking emails. You can find a great introduction here:

What Is cbmailservices?

Sending email doesn't have to be complicated or archaic or sad. The ColdBox Mail Services (cbmailservices) module will allow you to send email in a fluent and abstracted way in multiple protocols for many environments. The supported protocols are:

  • CFMail - Traditional cfmail sending
  • File - Write emails to disk
  • InMemory - Store email mementos in an array. Perfect for testing.
  • Null - Ignores emails sent to it.
  • Postmark - Send via the PostMark API Service (
  • MailGun - Send via the MailGun API Service (

It also sports tons of useful features for mail sending:

  • Async Mail
  • Mail Queues
  • Mail merging of variables
  • Mail attachments, headers and parameters
  • View and Layout+View rendering for mail
  • Mail tracking
  • Multiple mailers
  • Success and Error callbacks
  • So Much More!

You can read the full docs for our mail services here: Let's check out how nicely you can send fluent emails:

	to         : "",
	from       : "",
	subject    : "Mail Services Rock",
	type       : "html", // Can be plain, html, or text
	bodyTokens : { 
		user    : "Luis", 
		product : "ColdBox", 
		link    : event.buildLink( 'home' )

Dear @user@,

Thank you for downloading @product@, have a great day!


") .addAttachment( expandPath( "/tmp/reports/report.pdf" ) ) .setReadReceipt( "" ) .send() .onSuccess( function( result, mail ){ // Process the success }) .onError( function( result, mail ){ // Process the error });

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