
Encouraging Innovation: Into the Box Latam 2023 Press Conference

Maria Jose Herrera December 22, 2023

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Maria Jose Herrera

December 22, 2023

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Excitement is in the air! Into the Box Latam 2023, the most anticipated tech event, is back in El Salvador, and the press conference with critical sponsors has sparked a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation.

Let's dive into the articles, notes, and social media posts from our exciting Into the Box Latam 2023: These highlight cutting-edge content and modern tools impacting the international web development and design industry with Ortus Solutions and leading innovation companies in Latin America.

Highlighted Articles and Notes

  1. El Salvador Journal reports on the return of the country's most crucial tech forum: Read more
  2. How to be part of El Salvador's most important tech event? Discover here
  3. Dinero El Salvador shares real-time updates of Into the Box Latam 2023: Tweet link
  4. Commerce and Business highlights innovation and open-source software development at Into the Box Latam 2023: Read more
  5. More than 230 Salvadorans will participate in Into the Box 2023, according to El Salvador Journal. Details here
  6. explores how Into the Box Latam 2023 will strengthen the tech ecosystem in El Salvador. Read more
  7. El Universal highlights the arrival of Into the Box Latam 2023 to strengthen the tech ecosystem in El Salvador. Details here
  8. Elmundo. sv reports on programming and web development seminars at the event: Read more

Social Media and Video Clips

Social media is buzzing with news of Into the Box Latam 2023. Here are some standout posts and videos:

  1. Twitter: Tweet from EnLaMiraNoti_SV
  2. Facebook: Facebook post
  3. Instagram Stories: Instagram story from comercioynegociossv
  4. Instagram: Instagram post
  5. Facebook Video: Facebook video
  6. Instagram Reel: Instagram reel
  7. Tweet from dinerocomsv
  8. Instagram: Instagram post
  9. Facebook Story: Facebook story

Acknowledging Our Sponsors

This exciting event wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. We thank all sponsors who made Into the Box Latam 2023 a reality. Thank you for helping us encourage innovation and technological development in El Salvador to embrace the web of the future!

Special mention to Telus Internacional, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN), Movistar El Salvador, Pepsi, Silverline Central América, Teip, Secretaría de Innovación y Adobe.

We hope the event exceeded your expectations, and we welcome your feedback. If you have any comments to share with the Into the Box Latam team, write to us at

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