
Into the Box Blog Post Series - Meet Shawn Oden

Paulina Lainez April 30, 2020

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Paulina Lainez

April 30, 2020

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We’d like to introduce you to Shawn Oden, our next speaker in our Blog Post Series. When asked  to share something funny about himself, he turned to his son and this happened: “I asked [him] what he thought was funny about me, he said "Your face." Which is rather ironic, since he looks almost exactly like me.”  Oh how the have tables turned!
Shawn will be leading the “The Golden Hammer: Confessions of a Recovering Database Abuser” session on May 8th at 11:00 AM until 11:50 AM.  You should attend since “almost every developer touches a database in some way.” I spent a long time being annoyed that my database was always a bottleneck. I was fortunate enough to have a patient DBA who was willing to work with me to show me a better way to do the things I was trying to do.  I'll try to share some of the lessons I learned.”
Having our virtual conference has benefits and drawbacks as Shawn mentions: “Normally, my favorite part of conferences is the Hallway Track, but that's going to be a bit different this year.” Yet he is hopeful since “over the past several years, the sessions at Into The Box have always looked pretty amazing, and this year is no exception. I always have the dilemma of figuring out which sessions to attend, and even with a virtual conference, I already know I'm going to be watching some recordings later.I'm very interested in the available containerization features, and I want to hit the sessions on Testing and CI. But mostly, as a data guy, I'd love to learn more about QB and Quick. Those are probably the sessions I'm most looking forward to.”

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