
Paulina Lainez

February 25, 2020

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As we await our much-anticipated Into the Box 2020, we have decided to dedicate blog posts and podcasts to our speakers and organizers. As such, we will start our Into the Box 2020 podcast and blogpost series with Luis Majano, CEO of Ortus Solutions. Luis is the creator of ColdBox HMVC, TestBox, CommandBox, ContentBox CMS & many more POSS projects. 

Our podcast, Modernize or Die – Conference Edition did an interview with Luis, where he gave amazing insight as to how Into the Box was born, what to expect, and why you should attend. For the 7th year in a row, Into the Box will gather developers and like-minded professionals. With a 30% increase in attendance each year, the conference strives to innovate and implement modern technologies in businesses. 

Into the Box started out as a one day session, but as Ortus Solutions’ product stack and services began to grow, there was a need to expand and create multiple sessions and conference days. As such, organizers have devised engaging workshops and selected multiple speakers from around the world to prepare and educate attendees so that they can navigate easily in the world of CFML. This conference, as Luis said, will be for those who like to learn hands-on, and it will definitively be a challenge since there will be lots of options to choose from.

Even though the Into the Box conferences were born to help those who were using Box products, there are still many ‘non-box’ sessions to choose from. While the goal of the conference is to help Box users, it is also to grow as a CFML community and to network. 

To hear the complete podcast interview, make sure to check it out in your Youtube channel, our website, or your favorite podcast provider. 



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