
Into The Box 2018 | Go from Zero to Hero

Dillon Slaughter February 23, 2018

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Dillon Slaughter

February 23, 2018

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Logo Banner - Into the Box 2018 - Coldfusion and Java redefined

Into The Box 2018 is going to be an extravaganza of Coldfusion madness with over 25 + different speaking sessions and 4 hands on workshops April 25th-27th in The Woodlands, TX! Our speakers include our very own Ortus team and others from all around the globe. This week we wanted to inform you that one of our most popular workshops, Coldbox 0–Hero has already sold out, but we have good news! We have decided to add another assistant and make room for 5 more attendees! So get your seat before it's too late! But you might be wondering what exactly does it look like to go from Zero to Hero?

Go From Zero to Hero

ColdBox Zero to Hero

In this workshop you will be introduced to the latest version of the most popular CFML MVC framework; ColdBox 5. We will go over the basics of installation, templating and configuration to the most advanced features like HMVC development with modules, RESTFul APIs, interception points and much more.


Latest CommandBox CLI (You don’t need to know how to use it.)


A local database server - We will be using MySQL in the course. You can start a local database service with docker using the following command:


docker run -d \

--name soapbox

-p 33306:3306





You can then stop and start the database server with `docker stop soapbox` and `docker start soapbox`.


Introductions/checking prerequisites - 15 mins
  • Meet others in the class
  • Gather each student’s expectations for the class
  • Ensure everyone has CommandBox installed and is ready to go

Project Overview - 15 mins

Discuss this project, and how we will learn and use several different concepts and tools are we work through building a real twitter clone, SoapBox. We will use ColdBox conventions, including BDD / TDD testing and leveraging several ForgeBox modules.

01 - Setup Base App - 1 hour

What we will do:
  • Scaffold with the Coldbox template
  • Start a server
  • Test Harness
Concepts & Tools:
  • CommandBox scaffolding
  • ForgeBox
  • TestBox
  • `event`, `rc`, and `prc`

02 - Modify the Landing Page and create an about page - 20 minutes

  • `config/routes.cfm`
  • Routing by convention
  • Pass data to views
    • `rc` vs. `prc`
  • Views convention and `event.setView`
  • Layouts and config for layouts (`config/ColdBox.cfc`)
  • Make About page

03 - Set up Database and Migrations - 30 minutes

What we will do:
  • Migration harness
Concepts & Tools:
  • Commandbox-migrations
  • commandbox-dotenv

Working with QB and Models

  • Set up a users table
  • Just return the data with QB
  • Create a User model with behavior and populate it with the bean populator.
Concepts & Tools:
  • qb
  • WireBox
  • WireBox Bean Populator

A user can sign up for an account 2 hours

What we will do:
  • A user can register for an account
    • Authentication and Security - cbauth
  • A user can login to their account
  • A user receives a welcome email when signing up for a soapbox

Concepts & Tools:

  • Handlers
  • Views
  • Models
  • Qb
  • CBAuth
  • Flash messages (cbmessagebox)
  • Form Validation (cbvalidation)

Lunch Siesta 1 Hour

A User Rants - 2 hours

What we will do:
  • A user can post rants
    • A user can see all their posted rants
  • A user can edit their own rants
Concepts & Tools:
  • HMVC - Module Hierarchy
  • View Partials / Viewlets (whatever we call them now)
  • Wildcard routes
  • cbsecurity

A user can search for other users

  • A user can search for other ranters
    • SoapBoxer Profile
    • A user can see a users rants.

A user can bump and poop other user’s rants

  • A user can bump another user’s rant ?
  • A user can poop another user’s rant ?

A user can follow other ranters - 1.5 hours

  • A user can follow other ranters
    • Followed user’s rants should appear in a user’s timeline.
    • A user can unfollow other ranters
  • Unfollowed user’s rants should not appear in a user’s timeline.
Concepts & Tools:
  • Form submission
    • CSRF?
  • Service and DAO separation
  • End a Hero

    Want to view all ITB details including sessions and speakers? Click Here for more info!

    Into The Box 2018 Sponsors

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