
Gavin Pickin

April 13, 2017

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There are several different workshops happening this year. Here you will find an overview of them. Make sure you check out all the links and we hope you enjoy the experience of participating in these workshops. Space is limited, and the workshops only have a couple of seats left each. Register today to save your spot.

Free Hands On ContentBox Workshop at ITB 2017 in Houston

Come attend the free day-long ContentBox workshop, being held the day before IntotheBox, as we will walk through converting an existing CFML-based website (one which you may recognize) into ContentBox, including the steps from scratch, the benefits, and available features and options to really empower and improve most any site.

For more information click the link below.

Click here for the Workshop Outline

Behavior Driven Development Workshop at ITB2017

This year we are excited to have a great lineup of training workshops 1 day before the conference. This year I am excited to be teaching a 1 day workshop on using TestBox for behavior driven development. This will be a hands-on day leveraging our CBOX-205 curriculum.

For more information of what is included in this workshop click the link below.

Click here for the Workshop Outline

CommandBox Workshop at ITB2017

We'll be covering all sorts of advanced topics, especially managing servers and extending the CommandBox core with modules to add your own behaviors and write CLI tools in CFML.

Here's the list of prerequisites:

  • A working knowledge of CommandBox’s shell and basic commands
  • Have the latest stable version installed already
  • A GitHub account and Git CLI installed (if you want to follow along with publishing packages)
  • We will focus on hands-on exercises and will end the day with each student building their own CommandBox module and publishing it to ForgeBox.

Click the link below for a full overview of the planned agenda:

Click here for the Workshop Outline

"Boxed" up, RESTful Goodness

The topics that will be covered include:

  • REST Core Principles and Implementation Standards
  • HTTP Dialect patterns
  • RESTful Response patterns
  • Developing and leveraging microservices with Coldbox
  • API Security strategies and implementation
  • API Documentation and Modeling
  • Scaffolding and building applications and modules
  • API versioning and release strategies
  • Hands-on implementation of a working RESTful API

For more information about this workshop click the link below.

Click here for the Workshop Outline

Preside Platform Workshop - Free Workshop

Alex Skinner and Dominic Watson, will take you on a hands on look into Preside CMS. Preside is a leading web development platform running on the JVM. Open source and enterprise class, the Preside platform offers your developers a familiar MVC based experience with unequalled flexibility to build applications, websites and other content led digital products.

Click here for more information on Preside.

We are so happy to have such great workshops available to you all this year. These workshops will provide very valuable information. We can't wait to see you there!

Tickets still available - don't miss out. Workshop space is limited, seats are going fast.
Register Now

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