
Luis Majano

June 01, 2020

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FORGEBOX v5.1.0 released!

Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products to version 5.1.0. It has tons of updates and nice features for all plans. Enjoy!

Release Notes


  • [FORGEBOX-180] - Last updated date is incorrect in versions listing
  • [FORGEBOX-290] - When a collaborator publishes a new version to a package, the package disappears
  • [FORGEBOX-364] - Hamburger not working on mobile anymore
  • [FORGEBOX-413] - Forgebox Project Badges: should set "Cache-Control: no-cache", otherwise Github caches agressively
  • [FORGEBOX-476] - Versions tab doesn't always open when loading page with many versions
  • [FORGEBOX-520] - Assign user subscription to community plan when registering a new user
  • [FORGEBOX-524] - Make sure on all ajax calls on the collaborators, that you show error messages
  • [FORGEBOX-427] - Handle non-successful API calls from the collab screen.

New Features


  • [FORGEBOX-525] - Revise that all formats should be markdown by default when in edit mode for a package
  • [FORGEBOX-408] - Improve collaborator package UI
  • [FORGEBOX-410] - Send notification to user when an admin removes you as a collaborator
  • [FORGEBOX-411] - Send notification to admins/owners when collaborator leaves the collaboration
  • [FORGEBOX-428] - If package is unpublished make sure you can't add collaborators
  • [FORGEBOX-442] - Include username in account activation E-mail
  • [FORGEBOX-477] - Add pagination to versions tab
  • [FORGEBOX-478] - Add ability to filter out unstable builds on version tab
  • [FORGEBOX-489] - Add rel="noopener" to forgebox external urls
  • [FORGEBOX-518] - Allow users to link to specific headers in a package description
  • [FORGEBOX-527] - Add Environment name in the subject emails when not in production mode

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