
ForgeBox Updates — September 2017

Eric Peterson September 11, 2017

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Eric Peterson

September 11, 2017

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Happy Monday! We have a new release of ForgeBox to walk you through today. I think you'll like what we have for you as it makes using ForgeBox day to day so much nicer.

First, a quick note about me and the ForgeBox project. I recently joined the Ortus team full time and have taken the reins as developer evangelist for ForgeBox. This release of ForgeBox was focused around polishing some rough edges. It was also the perfect way for me to get my feet wet in the project.

A New ForgeBox Release

Here's what we worked on and is available in today:

  • We've eliminated (at least one of) the dreadful JDBC Batch Error messages. Side benefit, you can now store very long blocks of text as well as emoji (?) in the Description, Installation Instructions, and Changelog fields. (Also, remember to set your database character encoding right for kids these days. ?) (FORGEBOX-122)
  • We've updated cbmarkdown to use a new engine underneath. This let us enable more Markdown features like tables. (See an example of that here.) Don't forget to update your projects as well! (FORGEBOX-127)
  • Sorting packages by Updated was sorting by any package change, not just new versions. This meant that updating a package's description, tags, or even just registering an install or download would cause the package to be register as Updated. This behavior has been fixed and now only new versions will register as Updated. (FORGEBOX-131)
  • Small pet peeve of mine, but now searching for packages won't have a double // in the url. It didn't break anything, but just looked off. (FORGEBOX-103)
  • Also a pet peeve, the broken Disqus links are now fixed server-side. (FORGEBOX-100)
  • When searching for packages, a logged in user can see their own inactive packages in the search results. This is super nice if you, like me, wondered where that package you just made disappeared. (FORGBOX-123)

Additionally, private packages continue to get a lot of love. We've done another round of updates with input from you, our beta testers! (Thank you!)

  • Private packages created from CommandBox were not always flagged as private correctly. Now they are. (FORGEBOX-126)
  • To make private packages look more consistent, we're migrating all usernames to a new format.
    • Usernames can now only contain letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. (FORGEBOX-130)
    • You can now update your username from your profile. Updating your username will automatically update your private package slugs as well. However, no redirects are provided from your old private package slug to the new ones. (FORGEBOX-129)
    • The next time you log in to the ForgeBox website or hit the API from CommandBox, if your username does not match the new requirements, you'll be asked to update your username before proceeding. You must update your username before interacting further with ForgeBox. (FORGEBOX-128)

We appreciate your help changing your username. We feel it will help the ecosystem have a better visual feel. is just harder to look at than @foo-example/my-package.

Coming Next

Let me finish by giving you a sneak peek at what's next for ForgeBox!

  • Private Package Subscriptions
  • Ortus hosting of private packages
  • Collaborators for both public and private packages


Have feedback on the release, what's next, or ForgeBox in general? Drop us a note in the CFML Slack in the #box-products channel or comment or create a ticket in the ForgeBox Jira!

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