
Ending the Year on a High Note

Paulina Lainez October 20, 2020

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Paulina Lainez

October 20, 2020

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And just like that it's almost the end of the year!  As such, we decided to make the most out of these last few months by scheduling exciting events.  Take a look at what's to come: 



ColdBox Hero to Superhero Workshop

Dates: October 22- 23

Instructor: Luis Majano

In this workshop you will be building a headless CMS (Content Management System) via a secure and versioned RESTFul API. You will be leveraging security best practices and securing the API using JWT tokens and cbSecurity ( Everything will be built using Behavior and Test Driven Programming. Every crook and cranny will have automated tests. You will be using several of the most advanced features of the CFML engine and of ColdBox HMVC. From flexible resource routing, AOP interception points, logging, fluent query building, integration and unit testing and so much more.




From Mura to ContentBox - Staying on the Open Source Upgrade Track


Date: October 30th

Instructor: Jon Clausen

In this session, we will walk you through some of the differences between Mura CMS and Contentbox - from administration to design and development. During the session we will demonstrate a full conversion of a Mura CMS site to Contentbox.



Up and Running with Quick Workshop

Dates: November 5 - 6

Instructor: Eric Peterson

This workshop will teach you how to use and configure Quick while building a real-world blogging application. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have the tools and knowledge to implement Quick in their own new or existing projects.



Into the Box LATAM

Dates: December 3 - 4

Into the Box LATAM will take place virtually the first week of December. From new technologies to innovative practices, attendees from Latin America will become part of the Modernize or Die revolution!


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