
ContentBox v1.6.0 Released!

Luis Majano December 23, 2013

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Luis Majano

December 23, 2013

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Merry Christmas, ContentBox v1.6.0 is here!  You can either download the updates or use our auto-update panel to upgrade.  Please note that you must first update to version 1.5.7 and then you can auto-update to 1.6.0.  We have also created a patches section in our download page, so you can download individual patches and install them if needed.

  • ContentBox Source: To deploy in any CFML engine (Adobe or Railo)
  • ContentBox WAR: To deploy in any J2EE engine
  • ContentBox Express: To deploy in any machine


Release Notes

You can read our very detailed release notes in our archive page.  Below we will cover the major enhancements this release brings to the table, for bugs patched and improvements, check out the release notes.

CBOX Packages

You can now completely export your entire ContentBox site in a nice .cbox package.  You can then import it back in any ContentBox installation.  This is a great way to completely transport your sites from one tier to another or give it to a friend.  You can export everything (including themes, widgets, media library) or you can be picky and export a-la-carte!


More Permissions

We have added some new permissions in this release:

  • EDITORS_CUSTOM_FIELDS : Which allows access to editor custom fields
  • GLOBAL_SEARCH: Ability to expose the global search

More Interception Points

There are tons of new interception points so you can add more panels, content or rules:

  • cbadmin_onDashboardTabNav
  • cbadmin_onDashboardTabContent
  • cbadmin_onAuthorEditorNav
  • cbadmin_onAuthorEditorContent
  • cbadmin_onAuthorEditorSidebar
  • cbadmin_onAuthorEditorActions
  • cbui_onCommentModerationRules

Updated Email Templates

All email templates have been updated to a rich UI and they look pretty snazzy in comparison to our old text emails.

Widget Tester

We have now included a widget tester right in the widget editor console.  This way you can easily code and test your widget to see if it compiles and works accordingly.


Improved Comment Moderation


We have added a new setting which allows the self-cleaning of moderated comments on a specific schedule. No more worries about removing spam anymore. You can let the auto-cleaning utility do it for you.

Dashboard Customizations

The dashboard gets tons of new interception points and new settings so you can customize them as you see fit.


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