
ContentBox v1.5.5 Released!

Luis Majano July 10, 2013

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Luis Majano

July 10, 2013

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We are announcing the release of ContentBox v1.5.5 which includes over 40 different issues closed and updated.  You can either download the updates or use our auto-update panel to upgrade.  The updates are now cumulative for the 1.5.X series only as well, so you can upgrade from any 1.2 version or higher.

  • ContentBox Source: To deploy in any CFML engine (Adobe or Railo)
  • ContentBox WAR: To deploy in any J2EE engine
  • ContentBox Express: To deploy in any machine

Release Notes

You can read our very detailed release notes in our archive page.  Below we will cover the major enhancements this release brings to the table a part from all the improvements and bugs that where squashed.

Page Excerpts/Summaries

We now give you the ability to turn on page excerpts or summaries for your ContentBox installation. This is a great way to produce summaries of content and also ability to split content as well.

Custom HTML Enhancements

We have added the capability to create authors for custom HTML content alongside our publishing mechanisms as well.  This will allow you to draft, publish and quick save custom content as you see fit.  You will also be able to expire content automagically in your system.  We have also added filtering and search capabilities to the listing panels as well.

Shortcut Keyboard Bindings

We have not only introduced keyboard shortcuts for all major editing and navigational purposes in ContentBox but we have also opened the API for it.  This will allow module developers to leverage our Keyboard binding JavaScript library and our cool HTML data annotations for binding shortcuts.  You can visit your installation's About page to get a listing of registered keyboard shortcuts and how to create new ones.

<a href="" data-keybinding="ctrl+shift+g"/>...</a>

Maintenance Layout Enhancements

We have enhanced the maintenance for the UI module so you can skin it much better and nicer of course:

Maintenace Layout

You can now create a layout in your layouts theme folder called maintenance.cfm and it will be used if it exists whenever the UI is in maintenance mode. If this layout does NOT exist, then it falls back to using the pages layout.

Maintenance View

You can now create a view in your views theme folder called maintenance.cfm and it will be used as the main view whenever the UI is in maintenance mode.


In your maintenance view or layout will can retrieve the admin message by calling on the CBHelper


If there is NO maintenance layout or view, then ContentBox will output the maintenance message for you with no layout or view.

Search Layout Enhancements

We have enhanced the maintenance for the UI module so you can skin it much better and nicer of course:

Search Layout

You can now create a layout in your layouts theme folder called search.cfm and it will be used if it exists whenever the UI has requested a search. If this layout does NOT exist, then it falls back to using the pages layout.  This continues to use the search.cfm in the views folder.

Global Import/Export Capabilities

Everybody needs their data!  We have continued to expand on our export capabilities we introduced in v1.5.4 and now everything can not only be exported as JSON or XML, but also imported as well.  This update allows you to export and import the following:

  • Authors with roles and permissions
  • Roles with permissions
  • Permissions
  • Security Rules
  • Categories
  • Blog Entries with Categories, Comments, Custom Fields, Authors and History
  • Pages with Categories, Comments, Custom Fields, Authors and History
  • Custom HTML with Authors
  • Settings

Better Sidebar

The SideBar has been enhanced to be collapsible now via our new button or keyboard shortcut: ctrl+shift+e as well.

Geek Updates

We have done several updates thanks to our developers worldwide.  We have added a much better geek panel with fancy ajaxy features for its settings, search, export, import and better visualization.  We have also added the ability to prevent executions of several templates and added i18n capabilities so ContentBox can track locales very easily (More i18n capabilities coming soon!)


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