
ContentBox v1.0.9 Released!

Luis Majano October 08, 2012

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Luis Majano

October 08, 2012

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We are so glad to announce another iteration of our ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.9.  This release brings in some awesome new features and important fixes to current installations.  We sport now a new datasource installer wizard for first time users that should make installing ContentBox a breeze.  If you already have ContentBox v1.0.8 you can just do an auto-update and get up and running in no time.  We have so many more updates coming, so stay tuned via our awesome mailing list.

Here is a recap of this release:



  • 1.0.7 Error - Error Messages: Error building: EditorService@cb, when using multi-editor support. The interfaces are updated now
  • CF10 incompatibilities with StringBuilders and integers
  • When doing new entries/pages the preview breaks due to missing content type in forms
  • Page should not be cached when viewing in draft mode
  • Page search not working correctly
  • Entry search not working at all
  • Real preview get's cached the first time, need to purge everytime for previews
  • Missing permissions on admin menu builder
  • Error on blog preview due to missing categories


  • Widget name filter to find the widget you want to add quicker
  • Admin Actions are now available globally for better global accessibility
  • New forgebox security for administrators and users so only allowed permission owners can browse and install from ForgeBox
  • New datasource creator module to allow for the creation of the DSN for you


* As a FAQ note, in ColdFusion 9, dynamic DSN creation might give you a "datasource not found error" once it creates it.  This is ok, just hit refresh and it should be ok.  This is a bug in ColdFusion 9 and not found in Railo or ColdFusion 10.

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