
ContentBox v1.0.8 Released!

Luis Majano September 25, 2012

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Luis Majano

September 25, 2012

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We are so glad to announce another iteration of our ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.8.  This release incorporates some fixes thanks to our community but also great features as we move towards maduration and a great modular CMS engine.  We are also making great strides in writting our documentation and getting ready to start developing high grade commercial additions to ContentBox.  We will also be releasing a full express edition and WAR edition of ContentBox soon.  So stay tuned via our awesome mailing list.

Here is a recap of this release:



  • content version settings not selecting "unlimited" when empty default value
  • remove annoying titles from menu bar
  • exceptions when doing forget password features with invalid emails in the system
  • quickLayout() and quickView() in the skins where not defaulting to the "contentbox" module
  • geek panel exception when viewing cached settings
  • unable to save content when specifying and expiration date
  • removeTopMenu() not working on admin menu service
  • fixes created links when cloning hiearchical pages


  • Multi Editor support is now here.  ContentBox now supports interfaces and interception points to allow you to build your own editors for any content object.  We provide you with three out of the box: CKEditor, EditArea and plain ol textarea.  Now you can create editors if you wanted to and switch easily from any content creation screen.
  • Previews for pages and blog entires now are of the exact rendering in the exact layout and skin
  • New MachBlog importer thanks to Mike McKellip
  • CB Helper's subPageMenu() method now supports nested menu structures
    • New argument as well: activeShowChildren=false which allows the children of the active menu node to display one more level deep if selected
  • The excerpt editor for the blog is now a fully featured editor
  • Dynamic blog entry point.  All blog features are namespaced in ContentBox so you can choose your entry point and designate pages for it.

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