
ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0

Luis Majano November 13, 2012

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Luis Majano

November 13, 2012

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We are so glad to announce another iteration of our ContentBox Modular CMS v1.1.0.  This release brings in some fantastic new features and important fixes to current installs.  We also have an express edition which is a fully open source stack ready for usage.  If you already have ContentBox v1.0.9 you can just do an auto-update and get up and running in no time.  We have so many more updates coming, so stay tuned via our awesome mailing list.

Here is a recap of this release:



  • Viewlets and View widgets now take in correct query string data so you can pass variables to on demand executions
  • Custom HTML previews re-instated
  • Updated to latest ColdBox 3.5.3 release
  • Content services can now do filtering for more than 1 category
  • Fix for getAuthor() on base content objects
  • Database creator update for required properties


  • The editors now sport permissions, so an administrator can assign permissions for visualizing and using editor panels
  • Mobile layouts have arrived.  You now have the ability to assign a mobile layout to any content piece or hierachy thanks to our next awesome feature: Layout Inheritance
  • Layout inheritance for page hierarchies, so child pages can just use the same layout as defined for their section
  • New quick URL action to view content with no caching involved (cbCache=true)
  • A much better UI for page actions and informational views
  • The administrator now announces more events for the Dashboard
  • Added social preferences to all users
  • Layouts get settings and events, you can now intercepto layouts onActivation(), onDeactivation(), onDelete() and also create great looking setting panels for your users.


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