
CommandBox 1.1.0 Released

Brad Wood April 13, 2015

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Brad Wood

April 13, 2015

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We are very excited to announce the immediate release of CommandBox version 1.1.0.  This is a maintenance release that addresses much of the feedback and bug reports that we received from the community since our 1.0.0 release a few month ago.  The response to CommandBox 1.0 has been phenomenal and we are excited to see so many CFML developers finding a new level of productivity.  Thanks to everyone who has used CommandBox thus far and provided great feedback and ideas.



Lots of little rough edges have been filed down that improve things like handling embedded servers, REPL execution, installation issues and of course a FREE documentation book for CommandBox (  We've also added tons of little improvements like better command output piping, JSON formatting, and tweaks for writing custom commands.  And even though this is a minor release, we still fit in over a dozen new features like the bump and sed commands, and lots of new generators, like our new ColdBox RESTFul application template.  

coldbox create app name=RestAPP skeleton=rest


This release of CommandBox includes changes to the core loader jars, so you'll need to download a new binary.  It will automatically install itself over your old version on first run.  


Grab CommandBox 1.1.0 from the download section of our product homepage.

Release Notes

CommandBox - Version 1.1.0

Bugs Squashed


  • [COMMANDBOX-79] - Allow \t escape sequence for entering tabs in parameter values
  • [COMMANDBOX-127] - Don't default box.json properties when writing
  • [COMMANDBOX-135] - Don't default properties when writing box.json
  • [COMMANDBOX-137] - Improved installation flow to remove duplicate modules
  • [COMMANDBOX-142] - Allow runCommand() to capture output of command and return it
  • [COMMANDBOX-164] - Add type validation for command parameters
  • [COMMANDBOX-166] - Additional Validation for Boolean Params
  • [COMMANDBOX-172] - Capture error output in run command
  • [COMMANDBOX-179] - server restart doesn't keep same settings as previous start
  • [COMMANDBOX-180] - Improve piping output of one command as an input to another
  • [COMMANDBOX-182] - Format JSON when outputting complex data in REPL
  • [COMMANDBOX-183] - Allow input to be piped to package set
  • [COMMANDBOX-198] - Output print buffer before ask, confirm, and waitForKey
  • [COMMANDBOX-200] - Make server json forward compat and improve logging

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