
ColdFusion/CFML Training: Everything You Need to Know

Cristobal Escobar July 17, 2024

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Cristobal Escobar

July 17, 2024

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ColdFusion/CFML Training: Everything You Need to Know

ColdFusion training can be a key element in improving your skills and optimizing application development on this platform. In this post, we'll explore everything you need to know about ColdFusion training, from where to start to how to choose the best company for your training.

1. Where to start?

  • Assess Your Current Knowledge: Before embarking on any training course, it is essential to assess your current knowledge level in ColdFusion. An introductory course will give you a solid foundation if you are a beginner. If you already have experience, you might consider advanced courses focusing on specific areas such as security, performance, or other technologies.
  • Identify your Objectives: Clearly define what you hope to achieve with the training. Are you looking to improve your skills for a specific project? Do you want to prepare for a certification? Setting clear objectives will help you choose the right course.
  • Getting Started Resources: Free and low-cost resources to get you started. Ortus Solutions offers online documentation and tutorials that may be useful for beginners. Platforms like the YouTube channel give you access to free sessions (like the ColdBox Master Class, for example), or sessions at prestigious events like CFCamp, CFSummit, Open South Code, or Into the Box, or services like CFCasts also have numerous free videos that you can view just by registering.

2. When Is It Worth Investing in ColdFusion Training?

Investing in ColdFusion training can be a wise decision in several situations:

  • New Projects or Implementations: If your company is about to embark on a new ColdFusion-based project, investing in training can ensure that the team is well prepared to:
  1. Address specific challenges: Specialized training can help developers better understand the project's complexities and the techniques needed to overcome them efficiently.
  2. Follow best practices: Learning from ColdFusion experts ensures that the team adopts best practices from the beginning of the project, resulting in cleaner, maintainable, and secure code.
  3. Minimize errors and delays: A trained workforce can quickly identify and correct errors, reducing development delays and ensuring on-time project delivery.
  • Knowledge Update: ColdFusion, like other technologies, is constantly evolving. Investing in regular training ensures that your team:
  1. Stays up to date with the latest updates: Training provides access to new ColdFusion features, tools, and techniques, allowing the team to fully take advantage of the latest technology improvements.
  2. Improve your skills and experience: Continuous training allows developers to deepen their knowledge of ColdFusion, making them more valuable assets to the company.
  3. Adapts to new trends and market needs: Training can help the team stay ahead of web development trends and changing market needs.
  • Security and Performance Improvement: Specialized training in security and performance optimization can be crucial if you are handling applications that require:
  1. High availability: Security and performance training can help developers create more robust and reliable ColdFusion applications capable of supporting demanding workloads and minimizing outages.
  2. Threat Protection: Learning about the latest web security threats and ColdFusion security best practices can help protect applications from cyber-attacks and data breaches.
  3. Performance Optimization: Performance optimization training can teach developers techniques to optimize ColdFusion code, improve page loading speed, and reduce server resource usage.

3. What Aspects to Consider When Choosing a Training Company?

  • Reputation and Experience: Investigate the company's reputation and the instructors' experience. Recommendations and testimonials from other professionals can be a good indicator of the quality of the course.
  • Course Curriculum: Review the course content in detail. Ensure it covers the topics you're interested in and is up to date with the latest versions of ColdFusion.
  • Ability to Handle Complex Situations: Ensure the training company can handle complex and specific situations, such as those in your work environment.
  • Experience with Important and Demanding Clients: It is essential to know if the company has previously worked with critical and demanding clients. This will give you an idea of their ability to handle complex projects and meet high-quality standards.
  • Flexibility to Adapt to Your Needs: The training company must adapt to your needs. This may include creating customized courses, scheduling times that are convenient for you, and providing training materials in your preferred language.
  • Mastery of Security Best Practices and Knowledge of Latest Vulnerabilities Discovered: Security is a top priority in today's environment. The training company should be up to date with security best practices and deeply understand the latest vulnerabilities discovered. This is crucial to ensure that your ColdFusion applications are robust and secure against attacks. Training should include specific modules on protecting your applications against the latest threats and implementing the most effective security measures.
  • Support and Additional Materials: Some companies offer post-course support and additional materials, such as reference guides and practical exercises. These can be very valuable for consolidating what you have learned.

4. What Format to Choose?

  • In-person courses vs. Online: In-person courses can offer a more immersive experience and the opportunity to interact directly with the instructor and other participants. However, online courses offer flexibility and the ability to learn at your own pace.
  • Live Webinars and Workshops: Live webinars and workshops combine the best of both worlds, providing real-time interaction with the convenience of attending from anywhere.
  • On-Demand Courses: These courses allow you to access materials and lessons at any time, ideal for those with unpredictable schedules or who prefer to learn at their own pace.

5. Benefits of Continuous Training

  • Improved Technical Skills: Continuous training helps developers improve their technical skills, keeping them updated with best practices and new ColdFusion functionality.
  • Competitiveness in the Labor Market: Professionals with advanced ColdFusion certifications and skills have a competitive advantage in the labor market, which can translate into better opportunities and higher salaries.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: A well-trained team can work more efficiently and productively, reducing errors and development times.

Why Choose Ortus Solutions for Your ColdFusion Training?

  • Experience and Reputation: Ortus Solutions has extensive experience in ColdFusion and is recognized for its quality training and technical support. Our instructors are subject matter experts with a proven industry track record.
  • Updated and Relevant Curriculum: Ortus Solutions courses are designed to cover the most relevant and up-to-date topics, ensuring your team is prepared to face current and future challenges in ColdFusion.
  • Handling Complex Situations: At Ortus Solutions, we understand that each company has unique needs and challenges. We have helped organizations worldwide achieve their goals in truly complex environments with customized solutions. We are committed to offering ongoing support and solutions tailored to your needs.
  • Training from the Creators of ColdBox Platform: Receive training directly from the creators of ColdBox Platform, CommandBox, TestBox, and ContentBox Modular CMS. Ortus Solutions offers on-site training, regional seminars, and live virtual training. We offer several professional courses and can adapt training to suit your needs.
  • Transparent Pricing Policy: Ortus Solutions is governed by a transparent pricing policy that ensures no unpleasant surprises. We are committed to offering our training services a fair and competitive value.
  • Golden Rule: At Ortus Solutions, we treat our clients as we would like to be treated. This means offering friendly, professional, and efficient service and always seeking to satisfy and exceed your expectations.

Customer Testimonials

  • Dirk Mellinger - Equator Financial: "By far one of the best training sessions I have attended. Luis' upbeat style and subject matter expertise were key to helping us understand how to put it all together. I would strongly urge anyone considering the ColdBox framework to include this training as part of their implementation strategy."
  • Mark Knox: "I learned in two days what it would have taken me two weeks to grasp on my own."


ColdFusion training is a valuable investment for any developer or development team. From choosing the right course to considering the format that best suits your needs, each decision can significantly impact your professional growth and the success of your projects. Be sure to evaluate your options carefully and opt for training programs that balance theory and practice.

Get started today and take your ColdFusion skills to the next level with Ortus Solutions! For more information, please write to us using the following link.

Sign up for Our Next Training!

We have places open for Workshop - Building a REST API for the Modern Developer. Sign up and Learn how to build a modern REST API using ColdBox and modern web development tools. This hands-on workshop covers everything from setting up your environment to securing your API with JWT authentication. Gain practical experience and increase your productivity with Luis Majano, our CEO and creator of ColdBox.

πŸ“… Dates: September 28-29, 2024 (before CFSummit 2024)

πŸ“ Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

🍽️ Lunch included

🎁 Ortus Swag and many surprises!

πŸ”— Register now and secure your spot

Don't miss it. There are limited places!

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